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Saturn’s famous rings will look this weekend

Saturn will temporarily view our appearance that appears in our point of view on earth, a pale, yellow area without shroud rings.

There will be billions of rocky and icy parts around Saturn disappear On Sunday, March 23, Sunday, March 23, when the thin edges of the planet’s rings are directed to the earth, the visual visibility is used. The rare phenomenon takes place every 13-15 years, where the place passes through the rock plane. The last time this rare appearance was the gas giant in 2009.

Saturn, with billions of stoves, are surrounded by grains, asteroids and fractures of months captured by the planet’s orbit. The elegant ring system extends from the planet to 175,000 miles (282,000 kilometers) and consists of small, powder-sized glaciers that grow as large as a home Nasa.

Similarly, Saturn’s reading is bulging 26.73 degrees. Like the Sun orbiter, Saturn has changed in connection with the location, causing its notes that our rings have disappeared as the planet’s planet’s aircraft passes. When Saturn bends to the earth, we can see the upper side of their rings and see the bottom of the rings when the planet bends us. Among these two stages, the rings come out of our opinion. Using a strong telescope, you can see a very thin line going in the middle of Saturn.

The passage of the aircraft will start on Sunday at 12:04 PM 12:04 in- Saturn’s rings will not be entered in full view for several months and so cannot be seen again until November

Skywatchers, in the middle of the south, they will have the best chance to spot the bare Saturn, if they can celebrate it in the morning shining on the eastern horizon, space. In the mid-North Latitudes, those who are Saturn will have difficulty seeing Saturn, seeing the sun will be close to the sun and filtered morning.

Although the most not the ideal sky tracking conditions for the most, the Blue phenomenon is a rare visibility of how planets are moving around our common star.

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