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China’s “red-red” culture “binding mates from rivals

Open free editor’s words

China legislatives rent high ralyy from international premises as western destinations and China follows food decreases.

More than two legal legs such as Latham & Watkins, Sidley Austin and Manges Offices in closed In Beijing in Beijing or Shanghai in recent months as a great rowing Kingdom work in China. US law has “

This has raised the possibility of what the largest Ferms of Chinese was identified – known as “A thousand” red “. They are almost looking for a business outside the country, including Hong Kong, sometimes the help is more than half western paragraphs.

The growing passion of Chinese Legal Firms It shows one’s market type, as the Chinese companies like second programs rather than the major legislative legs ever success from the La Hong Kong Lawlist.

Last year, Chinese legal firms rented at least 14 other couples and Elli and lawyers who said, some brought their group. Most is based on Hong Kong and focusing Merding Merding or finances.

There is a wonderful partner of partners from the law, especially with Chinese legislat, including Hong Kong, who carried the offices of Junhe

Hong Kong has procedured equity and M & A partner of a person who is removed in Kirkland to Zhong Lun, Fallland Fut-Fefallind Money Money Money Money

Once we say: “We have moved because we think this (Chinese Firms) is the bright side of the market. He brought the Group of Nine Law with him from the wood.

The New Hong Kong list last year, according to international parms – their spokesman internationally, lawyers know.

The field is set to enjoy A list of the $ 20bn list This year is a pollution of Chinese companies about the second list in the city. Woo He said: “The governor said:” It means that there is a hong kong market. To them, they feel like .. (Chinese) legal animals have the same skill to complete the price. “

Many international partners also strive to drag business “, a high-rental rental rental administrator.

There is a higher crimes in the US: “My hour was close to US $ 1,600 (in the first firm), my hour is a big chance.” This gives us a great opportunity. “

International firms still have anger.

Many chinese rulers “do not” have full sandals to make “Improve” comments including the ipho companies

He said ‘the international economy of Hong Kong is based on legal loaders for legal firms. But then they are forced to think of Chinese loaves as they do not control the business (in US Forms). “

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