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This company begins the same part of genetic genes for future parents – and CEO says ‘has nothing to do with eugnics’

The additional data race reigns the health industry. Many people keep pursuing their sleep, check their glucose, and examine the number of steps as a way to improve their life, or even guide their lives. Currently, extra data is available to check what kind of partners are like your partner.

Last week, five-year-olds began to pour out the gut- ”

“We look at a couple DNA, and we see that they are in danger of generating more than 900 years old age 25, and CEO KIAN SADEGHI Fortune in the special part about the announcement. “We truly believe in construction materials that allow people who are healthy and their families. When we really reveal invisible dangers.”

Company, with a genetic group in the carrier, was founded by Sadeghi who started to honor his cousin, in a genetic situation he did not know he would have.

Many body tests have directed the most body stops in those situations there will be family history, “The foundation is to bring down their children, stage if you don’t know what they want.”

With a new interviewer of the same partner, Sadeghi doesn’t mention you cheating a couple that their genders don’t mix well. “As a parent, you need to have a preaching and knowledge that you want to do, some decisions for children.” That’s what we are. We are about helping it and strengthen families with information. We cannot round and stop families. “

Company, raised $ 1 billion Sasha Just this year, Sasha Judv, Sasha’s people recommended Judn, numerical professors and professor of a company not related to the company. GUEV NYUCLEUS ‘OPTION SECURITIES SUPPOSED SUBSTANDS, such as 23dMe, and are usually unusual conts (usually the company provides one or more). “What happened,” he said: “” “,” she says: “”

Gusev says, Gusev says that body partner says, Jousev say, Jousev say, Jousev say, Jousev say, Jousev say, Jousev say, Jousev say, Jousev say, Jousev says, Jousev say, Jousev says Recalling Jouse, Jouse says, Joesev says, Jouse says, Jouse says, Jouse says, Jouse says, Jouse says that you say, ‘Disev The puppets say that the true partner says, “JUEUEv says a real medical partner says,”

“Many people check on their risk of danger) because they can do something about it.” Fortune. “This idea of ​​first examination and childhood is not fresh and not useful from this from this unrepentant.”

GUSEV increases that it is not clear whether future child can bear gender, if they have a new treatment that improves the test. “Moreover you run the real measure, as a person really is alone, there are things that go through the decision and can improve the result.

Nucleus is not high in phenypes (sight-based qualifications), but they predestinated with IQ’s estimates, which say. “It matches the eugnics,” he says. To scan more than death to the screen, the kind of child you want in children’s firmness.

The company’s place says “researchers are still in the first place to understand what the genealogy means IQ.” When Sadeghi says that technologies will be given too much power, do not give in-day prey to come to anything other than the environmental disease. “

“The first first attempt is a good care situation … We wait to use technology to strengthen partners,” Sadeghi tells Fortune When asked about anxiety about eugenics. It has nothing to do with the eugenics … when the public understands the treatment of genes as a eugnics project, everyone is losing. “

Although Gadeghi says reporting no part of the process, A lek Reported for Georosics Investor and experienced investing Delinarouhov witnessed that there was a “phenotype to report an example and more accurate.

When asked by the bill book if the reappecot is contrary to a donkey, aspauv made jokes “Elon that runs” and said “my heart goes to you.”

When Fortune He asked Sadeghi with a planning impression with a firing gesture that did not agree with them as their own self and their family. “

Nucleus delivery includes $ 399-minded and focusing and focusing and concentrating and concentrating and concentrating and concentrating and concentrating and concentrating and concentrating and concentrating and concentrating and concentrating The idea and concentrating and concentrating for example, your age and genetic information can indicate the ratio is higher than 99-hour counselor.

As a genetic test is popular with companies such as 23des as 23de’s details, Sadeghi and Hippa is in agreement with all American barats.

“It’s like going to your doctor’s office.”

This story was wild

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