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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Latin American gangs have gained increasing land in the floor of the United States, feeding violence and drug trafficAs communities deal with illegal drugs of immigration and drug trafficking.
Fox News Digital spoke with the former Senior Special Agent of the Drug Control Administration (DEA), Michael Brown, who is the World Drivers against Narcotics on Rigaku analytical devices, on the impact of Latin American gangs in the US communities.
“You have this incredible narco structure, this state of narco, pushing multiple tons of narcotics to the United States, which drives US drug trafficking and the violence of the organization,” he said.
Brown said the posters are not only groups at the street level, but that highly organized criminal companies that control drug trafficking and get involved in violent grass wars.
MS-13, or Mara Salvatrucha, federal prosecutors believe that they have thousands of members throughout the country. (Getty images)
Brown emphasized the role of Mexican posters, such as Sinaloa and Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), in the control of how drugs flow in US streets, particularly fentanyl, heroin and cocaine. The posters dominate Drug trade And they are responsible for most violence related to narcotics in North America, Brown said.
“In terms of narcotics and human trafficking, Sinaloa is perhaps the king’s throne in this game,” he said. “And CJNG is the second finalist, trying to be number one.”
He said that Sinaloa and CJNG gangs are responsible for moving 85-90% of all illicit drugs to the United States.
“Affiliated organizations, which are established in all important cities in the United States, serve the local traffic organization,” he said. “These would be their organized crimes groups, such as Italian or Albanian groups.”
While Mexico serves as the main producer and transit point for drugs, countries like Brazil and Colombia perform key roles in the transfer of drugs to global markets. Brown highlighted how Brazil acts as a center for narcotics in Colombia and Peru, which are then sent to several destinations such as the United States, Europe and Australia.
Gang members wait to be taken to their cells after 2,000 gang members were transferred to the terrorism confinement center, according to El Salvador president, Nayib Bukele, in Tecoluca, El Salvador, in this brochure distributed to Reuters on February 24, 2023. (Presidency Press Secretary/Handout Via Reuters)
Brown said, the Sanctuary cities exacerbate the violence of gangs and provide an environment that allows criminal organizations to prosper.
“If you go to a sanctuary city in New York or Chicago, you will get a check for the house, for food. They will get a cell phone, they will get car insurance,” he said. “Then, if you are a member of a gang, you simply go there and attach to that train of money.”
He shared that the posters have resorted to “base recruitment” tactics to write in migrants.
“You have terrible policies in the Sanctuary cities, which, in my opinion, are totally allowing organizations, such as Aragua Train (ADD) to function as Parasitic criminal organizations“He said.” And within these communities (migrants), in most cases they will not report crimes because they are illegal, and do not want the police to come. They are not worth their risk. “
This image shows two gang members trapped on the southern border. (Border patrol of the United States)
He said that African -American and Latin communities, promoted in part by economic difficulties, resort to the attractiveness of fast money and fame. Brown linked the glamor of Gang culture in the prevalence of popular media, such as Rap music.
“I think that when we look at the violence of American gangs in narcotics, you have to look with what it associates and why it is so popular to be a gangster,” he said. “What is your role in young African -American men and Hispanic men in these gangs? They want to make fast money and want the glory associated with him,” he said.
“Unfortunately, there is no other ethnic group were mainly African and Latinos who aspire to make music like this.”
Look: NYC Harbors’ Gangs, poster members in migrant hotels, says the DHS official