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The risk of being allergic to meat after a tick bite may be higher than being considered

The threat of ticks is worse than we think. This month, a pair of new research shows that there are more ticks that can lead to an unusual form of red meat in the United States.

Scientists with disease control and prevention and prevention and local health officials, broadcast the magazine in the comective diseases last week. Research is officially known as two ticks, known as two gal syndrome, two ticks known as two gal syndrome, usually two gangs, which caused Lyme’s disease. These situations seem rare, but more people show that more syndrome is more than presumably.

Alpha-Gal is a sugar in most mammal muscles, although people are not people. We can normally bear the Alpha-Gal in the meat we have given. But For the reasons we still try to understandA tick bite can sometimes prepare our body to the Alpha-Gal’s extreme immune reaction, in fact, reders to allergies for red meat and even milk. Alpha-Gal Syndrome is the only type of classic food allergies from a sugar (alpha-gal) than a protein. Unlike other food allergies, symptoms can take a few minutes to appear after exposure.

Alpha-gal situations in the United States are concerned about a star sign bite (Amblyomma American), mostly found mostly east half the country. However, there are different types of ticks that are known to cause this in other parts of the world, and doctors are found in a random position where the only star should not live.

In this recent study, scientists found at least two, but more, maybe inappropriate Alpha-Gal cases.

In a studyResearchers documented a woman in Washington, which developed alpha-gal in 2017 after a bit of unknown species. As a result, he passed into a vegetarian diet. Three years later he received a second tick bite. Although blood tests were dramatically rose to Alpha-Gal in antibodies due to the diet. This time, he was able to collect tick ticks for the test Ixods Pacificor western black-legged ticks. Two years later, took another bite I. peaceful There was a rise in the Alpha-Gal’s antibody in the Alpha-Gal. The important woman, at the same time the Lone Star sign did not provide the latest travel history.

In Second studyThe researchers watched the cases of alpha-gal under something caused by one’s bite Ixods skapularis tick or deer sign. According to researchers, only if the starry ticks are not rarely found, they did not think about the local population in the region. However, until 2014, 23 of the red meat allergies belonging to the state were able to know that there were red meat allergies. Some people expressed such a journey of several people while traveling together with a single star sign.

“Findings can reflect a limited role for tick types other than others A. American In the United States, in the United States, in the United States, in the United States (Alpha-Gal Syndrome), in a more supported the geographical distribution of suspicious works and variety A. AMBLYOMMA Ticks, “The authors wrote on a piece of paper.

He said that red meat allergies in the United States are mostly reported in most cases where the Lone Star Sign is found. Laboratory practices supported the idea that these ticks are more caused by allergies than other species in the United States Ixodods Ticks are widespread through the US regions and are already known to spread as nasty diseases like Lyme.

Although Alpha-Gal Cases cause Ixodods Ticks can be more rare than the classic version, the general event of the syndrome seems to be climbing. A study in 2023 of CDC and others estimated Up to 450,000 Americans have developed alpha-gal syndrome since 2010, probably climbing this period. Thus, if the only star can lead to the situation, more ticks, then people and doctors should be aware of at least in the regions of the country where it is not found in general.

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