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Air Force will soon test shipping loads via SpaceX Rockets

The US Air Force has announced the intention to build two landings on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean on Monday. Rocket loads As part of a test of the Vanguard program, wanted missiles in space, as part of a test of missiles filled with items around the planet.

Rocket can allow US servicemen to US military for Vanguard carrying load deliver something everywhere “90 minutes or less” on the planet. How? By throwing a rocket (a waste that can be used again reusable) into space and then reduces them again by lowering them again. The servicemen is very good while firing a rocket both in space and air, it is better to make sure things are safe.

Johnston Island on Johnston, a small land mass in the US territory in the US territory, which is in the US territory in the US territory of Hawaii. As in advance, Stars and stripsAir Force has uploaded a notification Federal Register On March 3, he pointed to the intention of setting test platforms on the island.

Mile Rocket Cargo Vanguard Program 1800
© Military Force Art.

However, it will take a while before the building begins. “Johnston Atoll Johnston includes a National Wildlife Shelter and is inside the Pacific Islands inherited sea National Monitor,” he said. Because of the Pentagon’s island, mass missiles “necessary fish can be a place of habitat, nomadic birds and other protected species and other protected species.”

The Air Force will show that all these studies will show that the landing pads inside the island will be established that the landing will try to call missiles on the island, but it does not affect the island in early April. These reports will allow a 30-day period to comment on the proposal to the public.

The servicemen goes on cargo in cargo for at least a half years. Now retired General Stephen R. Lyons addressed the national defense transport meeting in 2020 Rocket Shipping said the future. “Think about an hour less than one hour to move the equivalent of a C-17 cargo load in less than one hour,” Lyons said. “Think about this speed related to the transportation of cargo and man. There are many potential and amaze the team in an opportunity, perhaps to 21, perhaps a proof of principle.”

A military is just as good as his logistics. One of the reasons why the American army is so dominant in the 20th and 21st century is the ability to move people, supply and equipment anywhere in the planet. One of the best footage of the global war with terrorism Burger King Supply Truck In 2004 to give up on a C-17 in Afghanistan. Imagine what happened through the missiles of Elon Musk, in 90 minutes or less.

One of the problems related to the missile shipping plan is cost. The fuel and flying is expensive, yes, yes, but it is cheaper than starting a rocket in space to the Middle East Armored Humvees. One of the goals of SpaceX is to reduce the output costs using the missile, but a start is still expected to cost millions.

Despite the cost, the dreams of weapons, food and gear space continue. “Once the realized, the missile load, John Raymond,” John Raymond, “retired space force general will be able to provide our space for 2021 programs, to provide an independent choice to achieve strategic goals from the space. “

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