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Jenny McCarthy remembers that she knew Barbara Walters had dementia

Jenny McCarthyExperience View Maybe it wasn’t exactly what she registered.

“I was hired to bring pop culture.” View“McCarthy said, 52 years old Us every weekan exclusive creeping look at Maria Mennos“The latest“ Heal Squad ” Podcast. “They got rid of – at that time – Joy (Need) and Elisabeth (Hasselbeck). They wanted to make the show rolling and lighten it. ”

While McCarthy thought she joined the long-term daily talk-show ABC as a “pop culture of a buzzing girl”, she claimed that forces that were suddenly changing the direction.

McCarthy remembered a moment when she mentioned something about something Katy PerrySzo Barbara Walters He had a “interview” for a special. As soon as the singer “fireworks” was named, McCarthy said that her cohost said, “Who is Katy Perry?”

“It was the first sign that I realized that Barbara suffered from the beginning of dementia,” McCarthy told Menén, 46. “I was glad,” Oh S—. “It wasn’t literally a week for a show.… (Barbara) She knew politics, but she didn’t know pop culture.”

Jenny McCarthy remembers the moment she realized that Barbara Walters could have dementia

McCarthy appeared only on View between 2013 and 2014 before he decides to leave. Although it is not clear when Walters was diagnosed with dementia, she died In December 2022 at the age of 93.Us every week approached the Walters team to express.)

In 2014 interview with Howard SternMcCarthy said the most rewarding part View He was able to work with Walters. At the same time, she was afraid that politics discussion was not a natural adaptation.

“They want you to fight,” McCarthy said at the “Heal Squad” podcast. “They wanted to switch immediately from the light and fluffy to fight. I’m not a warrior. … I chose a party of peace in every fight. You want to be right, continue with it and I will have my peace.”

Jenny McCarthy remembers the moment she realized that Barbara Walters could have dementia
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McCarthy is now spending the morning relaxing with her husband Donnie Wahlberg. She also stays hard at work and assesses a show of reality Fox Masked singer.

Barbara Walters over the years

Related: Barbara Walters over the years: Photos

TV icon. Barbara Walters has spent six decades as stubborn journalists with everyone from the controversial political leaders to some of the most important stars in the world-before retirement in 2014. Walters started her career at the age of 60.

As regards ViewMcCarthy will not forget the rise and falls of work almost 10 years after leaving.

“When they announced (joined) ViewIt was crazy. Immediately there was a petition to get me out of the show, ”McCarthy recalled. View. “How do you dare to hire it.” … It was the hardest work in the world because it wasn’t me. ”

New episodes of “Heal Squad” are released everyday, wherever you stream podcasts.

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