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What’s behind the giant Silo door?

According to Joshua Tyler
| Published

Post-apocalyptic is the new hot thing on streaming, with shows like it Fallout and The last of us to critical acclaim and big numbers. Among all the post-apocalyptic streaming competition is Apple TV+ Silo stands out as one of the most thoughtful and compelling shows currently leading the genre.

The series is based on the book of the same name Wave by Hugh Howey. Wave it eventually spawned sequel novels, and all of this material was used in the creation of Silo Apple TV streaming series. However, the show doesn’t exactly follow the books, and even if you read them all, you might not understand everything that happens in the series.

We are here to help you. Silo Season 2 ended on a big cliffhanger, with a lot to figure out and understand.

The biggest question that remained Silo the season was answered and unanswered. The question is: What is behind the giant door?

We will give you a more complete answer and explanation of the mystery Silo giant door in this article. Don’t worry, we’ll also give you a big warning before we hit any major spoilers Silo next season.

To the beginning of the spoiler-free section.

How Silo revealed the door

Lukas Kyle (Avi Nash), an ever-curious, newly minted IT shadow, discovers a giant door. He was led to a door by a series of codes and clues left behind by an infamous figure from the silo’s past, a man named Salvador Quinn.

The door is hidden deep beneath the silo, in an area where the abandoned digging rig that first excavated the silo has been left to rot in what appears to be an underground lake of water. No one in Silo can swim, so of the few people who got there, almost none of them bothered to explore the lake.

Lukas bets that the lake is not as deep as it looks and boldly jumps into it, proving his hypothesis that it is only waist deep. He wades to the other side where he discovers a large door, a giant door, with what sounds like some sort of computer security guard standing behind it.

What does the door say Lukas Kyle

A voice speaks to Lukas and informs him that if he tells anyone what he learns there, protection will be established. That Safeguard will kill everyone in his Silo. We later learn that the deadly something is poison.

Is there a poisonous gas hidden behind the door? The door seems a little big to only be used as a poison gas dispenser, and there are no giant doors in Hugh Howey’s books. Silo The streaming series is based on.

The exact nature of the door remains unknown for now. We know that the voice behind the door is listening and watching. If Lukas tells anyone about this secret, the poison he controls will be released and everyone inside his Silo will die.

The blueprints left by Sol’s parents in Silo 17

We learn that it is possible to stop the gatekeeper from releasing his deadly poison thanks to the work of Sol’s (Steve Zahn) parents in the Silo next door. But why would this Force even have tubes full of poison, ready to be dispensed? Why would anyone start something like this? It is thing The second season of Silo doesn’t answer, and that answer is more dire than you probably imagined.

We’re going deep into spoilers from now on Silo season 3. If you don’t want to know, don’t continue.

Why Security exists and how to defeat it

Magazine cover in the past

The Silo The Season 2 finale hints at where things are headed when it goes back in time to show us a meeting between a young senator and a reporter.

These scenes in the past will become a dominant part of the show’s next season as we begin to learn the truth about who built Silo and why. The secret behind the creation of the Force has already been revealed in the books, and we will use this source material to reveal to you the secret background hidden within Apple TV show.

Radiation detector in Silo’s past

We know from the books that there are 50 forces. Juliette’s (Rebecca Ferguson) original Silo is Silo 18. Silo Silo is Silo 17. They are all the same except for Silo 1. Silo 1 is a control Silo and uses cryogenics to keep the founders of the Silo system alive and functional. manage all 50 in shifts.

The poison pipes, seemingly behind the giant door that Lukas discovers, serve two purposes.

The first purpose is to contain a possible rebellion. If a rebellion breaks out, the poison will be released to wipe out the population of the offending Silos.

Power as seen from above

You probably assumed that the Silo 17 people died because they got out. When you stop and think about it, you realize it doesn’t make sense. Opening the outer door would only kill the first few of them to leave, at which point the others would see the pioneers dying and close the door.

What actually happened in Silo 17 was that the poison was released and the Silo people tried to escape. They found themselves trapped between the poison rising from the depths of the Silo and the poisonous air beyond the outer door. The result was the mass death we saw as Juliette crawled over the corpses of the populace to gain entry to Silo 17.

However, wiping out the rebellious Sila is only a secondary purpose of the poison. The true purpose of poison, as stated in Hugh Howey’s books, is to kill the unworthy.

Lukas Kyle faces The Door

The plan for the Silo system is to wait until it’s safe to go outside and then choose the silo they think is most deserving of survival in the new world. That Shiloh’s people would be released from their underground city to repopulate the surface of the Earth. All those left in all other Silos will be killed.

What’s behind the big Silo door?

What about the door? While we know the poison protection is there, we don’t know for sure if the door is nothing more than a giant poison dispenser cover. Could the poison be coming from somewhere else, and if so, what is behind the Giant Door?

Plans for Force 17

We’re just guessing here, but the Giant Door could be the way to the next silo. While there are no giant doors Wool books at some point the people of Silo 18 are digging a tunnel to connect their silo to the neighboring one. It’s possible the series planned to simply open that door rather than go through all the trouble of digging a new tunnel.

Or is it really one giant tube filled with poison.

You’ll probably have to hold on Silo season 3 to find out. While you wait, go pick up a copy of Hugh Howey’s Wool books. They’re worth reading whether you’ve seen the show or not.

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