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Netflix Action Horror is a twisted view of the apocalypse

According to Jonathan Klotz
| Published

Bible was an inspiration for countless stories and adaptation, including Russell Crowe Noah, classics, Ten commandments Are playing Charlton Heston and even Veggieles. LegionPublished in 2010 and now available on Netflix, showing the version of the biblical apocalypse that converts angels in the tool of God’s disappointment and turns the usual stories of the second arrival and the rise of hellish power into the head. It is also another action horror of hated criticism, but it is sufficiently successful that it has triggered a series of sequel to syphs.

Heaven brings hell on earth

Legion Don’t change the devil in a good guy like Netflix Lucifer. Instead, Michael (Paul Bettany) turns into a hero who seeks to save humanity under the belief that he deserves a second chance. Against him is a celestial host who has people at grotesque moments of the body of horror, trying to smooth a small group that is hidden at dinner when heaven descends around them. Between the survivors in boarder She’s a young, pregnant woman, Charlie (Orville’s Adrianne Palicki), bearing the future Savior of humanity.

The rest of the human survivors in Legion They are barely scattered enough to call them characters, but the cast is filled with recognizable faces. From Dennis Quaid as a dinner owner after Tyrese Gibson, Charles S. Dutton, Kate Walsh and Will Holland, you have seen all of them in other roles, no one is able to make a lot with the material. The exception is Lucas Black, from Fast and furious: Operation Tokyo Like a jeep that quickly appears as the child’s best hope of survival.

With a high concept of a low budget

The biggest problem with Legionand its slightly offset streaming On Netflix, because it is easy to speed up or skip the scene, it is that despite the mad settings and the opening sequences that culminated in the sinister arrival of the ice cream car, the stimulation is so gone that nothing happens for more scenes. Then everything goes to hell and the last third feels as if she threw herself to the end with a literal bang. It is at those moments of pure horror, with the back of humanity against the wall and bullets flying against angelic monstrostics, the film finally comes to life.

Legion is not the best movie on Netflix Although a surprising cash register intervention was earned worldwide $ 67 million against budget of $ 26 million, but in 2010 it was a special recovery of Syfy with a number of sequels Dominion. The show, which presents any of the same stars as the film, is 25 years in the apocalypse, focused on Las Vegas, now a fortress called Vega. Michael is back, leading humanity against its former brothers led by Gabriel.

As with a movie that came before him, Dominion It is filled with high -level concepts, which lacked the budget to see properly through, and remains better in an abstract case than it is actually monitoring. Legion is A better watch on Netflix when it is separated from the cost of a ticket to the movie, but it is obviously still a B-Movie with a script that is rough around the edges. Several special effects are impressive, including ice cream, but perhaps the most effective as a pallet cleaner after a more intense horror as as HereditaryAnd it’s the best with friends who can appreciate madness with a low budget.

Legion It is available for streaming on Netflix.

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