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China constructs a new warfare of war war war

Open free editor’s words

The Chinese Army is building a complex than Western stubborn according to the Westime command is very large to paint and old and old.

Satellite fiscal fiscal budgets evaluated 1,500-acre construction of 30km construction Chinese Army The leaders during the conflict that may be possible may be in a nuclear war.

A number of current and previously claimed army officer watched a large military area – and 10 times of Pentagon.

Based on the Satellite Image Review found in the middle of 2024. Three people who know the situation in the place said that they have left the purpose of the “Beijing City City”.

Construction will be a human army of freedom to have weapons and plans before energy’s energy in 2027. US wisdom says President Xi jinning It also ordered the Khola to create the ability to attack Taiwan at that time.

The Pla It also expands their nuclear nuclear nuclear weapons and work to combine their different branches better. Military experts believe that it is a lack of meeting in size than forced forces that are dropped.

Satellite picture China is pulling a new military center near Beijing
A satellite picture of a new military military building near Beijing © Planet Labs

“If confirmed, this new command is underground, including military commission, and the ability of the world’s warm, and the most advanced. The First Cia Review Headed .

The director of the land of the land, who is simply acknowledged in the Wisdom of America, he did not mention this purpose. Washington police representative said “He doesn’t understand these points” but pressing that China is protective of peace and defensive policy.

Renny Babiarz, a medieval inspector of inspatial – saying there are 100 coffets of many thousands of miles.

Bakiarz, offers a few construction reality connected under the world, although further details are needed as a result of this review, if necessary. A group of service.

The Wot Bengnive area was busy with construction work earlier this month, rather than to a large household and Chinese cruse. There were no candy rooms often related to the purpose of real estate. No unusual to go for a business plan, no formal area of ​​construction site.

While there was no visible presence in the military military, there was a warning against Frones or photographs. One staff in one case suddenly were banned and refused to talk about this purpose. An overseer left in the building seat refused to comment on this work.

Recent access to project is blocked by the test. The guard said that the public did not reach out to the famous Hiking and location of the area, what the local seller explained “a military place”.

Another US person in US Amend of the US said when their Beijing house was not meant to be a secure orders center.

“The main order of Chinese command is in the western market, north of the new building, and has been built in the middle of a cold war.” Mostly grilled traits and suggested the resolution of western hills as the first hour’s order center.

“China leaders can judge the new place will help us a lot against nuclear weapons,” Western Officer has been added. It can include more and secure communication and has a place to expand seed skills and jobs. “

One researcher is familiar with pictures that the area said “all military software”, including a strong concrete and depression deeply.

The investigator stated: “This fort uses only one purpose, which is active in the Destruction army for the Chinese Army that was active and capable.”

The construction of the website comes in a major watership mode in nearby Beijing in the west. But there has been the most important idea in China from China, the pilelongs of Qunglongum were being fed.

By one post to Baidu Zhidao, Chinese Chinese engine is equivalent to Coqua, one user says: “Is the only user in the Chinese Pentonhu?”

It said two nearby people in the Taiwanese service also appeared to build a new commanding center, even though they questioned the center if it was appropriate for undergrounds.

“The national area is far more large than a military camp and the school’s school, so it is a place of administrator or a large Court training strategy to tank to Taipei.

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