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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Whatsapp said that 90 users, including members of the journalists and civil society, said he violated the hacker campaign.
WhatsApp spokesman told Techcrunch that the campaign was associated with a Israeli spy software manufacturer Paragon Taken in December last year American private capital giant AE industry.
“We directly appealed to the people we believe. This is the latest example of responsible for the illegal actions of spyware. WhatsApp will continue to maintain special communication,” WhatsApp spokesman said WhatsApp reported to Alsawah Techcrunch.
WhatsApp, the hacking campaign used a volume PDF, said that WhatsApp groups have been compromised and pushed an adjustment to prevent this mechanism.
John Scott-Railton, a conspiracy of Cashware and civilian laboratory for years, said that using this particular attack vector by this special offensive vector, they said they were investigating this hacking campaign.
Whatsapp TechCrunch told that the hack campaign took place in December and sent a letter stopped in paragraph.
Do you have more information about Paragon and this spy software campaign? You can contact securely signal with a unemployed device, Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai +1 917 257 1382 or Telegram and Keybase @lorenzofB or Email. You can also contact TechCrunch Secretary.
The General Director of Paragon Idan Nurick did not respond to a request for the comment sent via LinkedIn. AE Industry did not respond to a request for comment.
For the first time, paragon, journalists and members of the civil society openly associated with a hack campaign targeting. Since its since 2019, Paragon, as other spy programmers such as Intellexa and NSO group, but also avoid remaining in a scandal in the US government.
Paragon, through the subsidiary of the United States, Signed the contract In September, the United States with immigration and customs protection As floating last year. New Yorker asked for a paragon source After a study process of the contract, he said he came after the company demonstrates technology and controls the fact that customers abroad were to prevent US residents from targeting US residents.
Meanwhile, this is not known that the target of this spy software campaign emerging by WhatsApp.
Natalia Krapiva, now in the entrance, the Digital Rights Organization investigating Spyware abuse, spyware abuse, noted the actions taken by WhatsApp.
“For a while, there is a reputation of a ‘better’ spy software company that is open abused, but otherwise the latest verses of WhatsApp,” Krapiva refers to TechCrunch. The commercial spy software is a feature of the industry. “