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BNP PRIBAS gets the potential investment banking rebvaval

Open free editor’s words

It renewed the investment bank that enabled a bnp exchange to raise more than 15 provisions, as a fourth debt, as the greatest of your home profits.

Rewards in trade restraints and property manufacturers have increased at the same time as compared to a bank bank, who produced 32 sections of the bank.

The past month’s results from the bnp street cultures drive a different amount of money According to the investment bank.

BNP, performance to the group was better than expected. Rewards increased by expanding 11 percent on € 121bn, when income is 15.7 percent on € 2.3bn.

Investment bank’s advice from the bnp network operation with 2024, recording 4.7 percent.

Although tax continues to go down their billings and high deponits, the largest jean-laurearen oils – with a view to increase trade profit and his bank’s France to go to a wide class position.

BNP growth is expected to be encouraged by the meeting of the investment managers, who received in French last year to go € 5bn handle. Includes Axa IM business, Bnp stated that it will lead to greater growth for more than 524-2026 percent; Without it the shape can be 4 percent.

Paris Lexing has lost its crown like a big eurozone bank to Sentander this year. Even in a powerful process in recent years, it is kept by political confusion in its market.

Its assignment price has been to get well at its beginning in January, before Presidence in Snap Bank of French Bank in bank parts. Political uncertainty over French government’s funds is also confident with the branch.

The Bank’s business operation is affected by government bonds supporting the records of well known profits, known as LIVRET A.

French banks are organized to benefit from government decision in February to lower the lipstick, which can push interest.

Return visible equity, most of the increased interest flows, has arrived at 10.9, before the pre-estimates. Bank repeated its guidance to lift a measure of 12 percent in 2026.

The bank also reports more than a standard routine of 1 12 percent of 12 percent. The bank shares of October after its Cet1 ratio, a measure of saving its financial money, arrived lower than sparks.

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