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Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Israeli spy program manufacturer has confirmed the Solutions of Paragon solutions, their products sold their products to the US government and other unspecified allies.
Paragon Executive Director John Fleming told Techcrunch on Tuesday, a group of “Paragon,” Paragonlom “Global Democratic” group – mainly the United States and its allies. “
Fleming also said that Paragon’s Paragon agrees to the conditions that openly prohibit all users’ illegal target of journalists and other civilian society figures. We have a zero-tolerance policy against such a goal and we will stop our relationship with any customer who violates the terms of service. “
These comments come after Friday – WhatsApp allegedly used in paragon’s spy program hack campaign He targeted about 90 journalists and other members of civil society. Since then, at least two people claimed that they are between targets: Italian journalist Francesco Cancellatoand Libyan activist located in Sweden Husam El Gomati.
Fleming did not respond to a number of specific questions, including the United States ally and democracy. Terms of service, what journalists and members of civil society say about the banning of the spy program. Explore and investigate the claims of the company as made by WhatsApp; Research of the company’s claims of WhatsApp; Paragon has stopped a contract due to such violations.
Do you have more information about Paragon solutions? You can contact securely signal with a unemployed device, Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai +1 917 257 1382 or Telegram and Keybase @lorenzofB or Email. You can also contact TechCrunch Secretary.
Wired last year First reported The paragon was the derivation of the United States Signed the contract The United States was worth $ 2 million with immigration and customs execution, but the company did not comment at the moment.
US Private Capital Company AE Indoor Paragon has offered to get a paragon About $ 900 million last year. When the comment reaches the AE Industry spokesman Matt Conroy did not comment and postponed to Paragon.
Whatsapp said he sent a letter to paragraph on Friday. Fleming refused to comment on the letter.
Cancellato is the director of the news site Fanpage.itthis He published an investigation Last year’s Gioventù Melonian youth led by the Gioventù Meliana Melyana, the Giorgia Melonian, headed by the President of the Italian government since 2022. Thanks to the hidden video recordings of members, “Gioventù Melonyana,” Fanpage showed a number of racist and anti-semi-racist and anti-semi-racist and anti-causing words, n-word and noisy Nazi and Italian dictator Benito Mussolini said. Investigation He asked the opposition parties to criticize Meloni.
“I feel broken,” Cancellato, He spoke of learning to target his phoneHe told Techcrunch. “You ask yourself why? I want to say, what did they want from me?”
El Gomati lives in Sweden and Libya, O have criticized The connection between the Italian and the Libyan government will cooperate, especially to stop Libyan immigrants from the Mediterranean and reaching the European country.
Ynetyynews declare Italian Paragon customer on Monday. However, this claim has not been another approval.
Flaming did not respond when Italy asked if the Italian customer was a client and the Italian government would not respond to comment by Techcrunch.