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Presentation: MyFitnesspal’s weekly customs!

Weekly habits MyFitnesspal

We think progress happens in small steps you take every day. That’s why we created it Weekly customs Tool: A simple and entrepreneurial way to help you be consistent, to celebrate small profits and work to your greater health purposes without feeling without distress.

Forget about perfection. This is about the habits of buildings that fit in your life.

What are weekly habits?

Weekly customs are bites size targets to help pay attention to what can be achieved in the short term.

From drinking more water to eat more vegetables, additional action are blocks of construction of long-term success.

Here are all the frustration and fatigue of trying to change everything, because change occurs at the same time a habit.

Why small customs are important

Large goals can be felt embarrassing, but it allows breaking into smaller steps.

Research shows small and coherent actions, they build more water daily and create a positive feedback loop (1). It breaks the weekly habits by giving a clean and manageable axis for the previous week.

Also, celebrating these little victories gives your brain dosage dosage, if you get motivated (2).

Science is, but it’s good for your trust, so it’s good to get a permanent moment.

Tracking habits

Every week, choose the axis area that eches your target. The options are:

  • Drink more water: Moisturize for at least five days for at least five days.
  • Eat more vegetables: Add a vegetable in your meals for five days.
  • Eat more fruit: Jan 2 fruits a day for at least 5 days.
  • Log more meals: Two meals a day for at least four days a day.
  • Eat more fibers: A meal with at least 5g fiber for five days.
  • Encourage protein consumption: Hit your protein goal this week at least three days.

How to Start

Setting up your first habit is easy. Note: Even if you are not a member of myfitnesspal, you will need Download the application. Then:

  1. Open the application and find Weekly customs on your dashboard.
  2. Select a habit to continue, and set the alert to check daily.
  3. Back to the app every day if you get or do not get your daily goal, and prepare for a small hapty surprise.

Trust us, verifying your goal you will feel well!

Tips for getting a successful weekly habit

It is not only to select a habit, it is closer to this custom rectum the way. Here are some tips:

  • Anchor habits to your routine. Couple new actions with existing habits, drinking water before coffee or eat vegetables in your plate.
  • Be flexible. Life happens, and it’s okay. It is designed to help adap the weekly habits and move forward. You only need to do the chosen custom to win more than once a week.
  • Focus on progress not perfection. By doing this, you can build the last habits.

Ready to start?

Forget extreme restrictions or quick fixes. The actual change occurs when it is based on permanent and manageable action.

Weekly customizes the real life encourages you to embrace the food: balanced and based on your needs. This is not only being perfect every day, making the chances that are lined with your goals over time (1).

And there’s no better day to start before today.

Post Presentation: MyFitnesspal’s weekly customs! first appeared MyFitnessPal Blog.

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