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Olivia Swann speaks NCIS: Sydney’s Season 2 ‘Mystery,’ MacEy’s Secret

Star NCIS SYDNEY OLIVIA Swann teasing Macheys Future Furations Secrets After Personal Revelation

Olivia Swann. Asher Smith/Paramount+

Olivia Swann Lays down what to come to 2. Season NCIS: Sydney After a thrilling – and somewhat complicated – premiere.

Swann who plays a special agent NCIS in charge of Michelle Mackey Us every week That this season is “explosive, intense, fun and convincing”.

Warning: Spoilers below from NCIS: Sydney Season 2, Episode 1.

During the premiere of the season 2 that broadcast Friday 7 FebruaryMacay and the Australian Federal Police (AFP) lead them “JD” Dempsy (Todd lasance) There were benches for their final events 1. The season in which several rules bent to return the son JD after being kidnapped.

What is in the NCIS Sydney store with Macay and JD when the next level of season 2 returns Olivia Swann Todd Lasance 726

Related: What is in the NCIS store: Sydney’s Macay and JD when season 2 returns?

NCIS: Sydney’s Macay and JD will be pushed to the limit when they return in season 2 – and their dynamics is very different from the season 1. Agent responsible Michelle Macay, exclusively told us a week and remembered (…)

Although he is on the siding, MACKEY AND JD I managed to bring Russian assassin ana niemus (Georgina Haig) who helped to facilitate kidnapping, justice. They also learned that Colonel Richard Rankin (Lewis Fitz-Gerald) has been involved in the process.

After he had a heart attack on HQ ncis, they realized that someone was controlled – an unknown villain – and stopped his pacemaker to keep him calm.

“It’s definitely the basic secret of the season,” said Swan about who really pulls the strings and is responsible for Rankin’s heart attack. “In and there we get a little small drops and as we go, it increases.”

She teased: “The paycheck is very, very cool.”

One of the greatest premiere revelations, however, is that Macay has in the United States of a teenage son she never told anyone.

But will the audience ever meet him – and the rest of her team will learn her secrets? Swann exclusively said Our What to expect from the rest of the season below:

Is Niemus away forever?

What is in the NCIS Sydney store with Macay and JD when the next level of season 2 returns Olivia Swann Todd Lasance 725
Daniel Asher Smith/Paramount+

During the 1 season, NCIS and AFP team It is located in Australia, which tried to hunt rogue by Russian agent Monica Rowe aka Ana Niemus. During the premiere of 2 seasons 2, Niemus threatened to take off JD if necessary and hurt his son if he did not share the identity of the person responsible for attempting to eliminate it.

JD told her that Rankin, who was an intermediary who organized her intervention (seemingly against his will), was in the hospital. But it was a trap and JD and Mackey managed to detain in an intense struggle.

Asked if Niemus is fully neutralized as a threat to her team, Swann said Our“My estimate is as good as yours,” it suggests that it may not be the last spectators who see the spy.

Mama Mackey

Swann covered Our about her dream scenario for MACKEY Like MomShe said she would like to see the teenager meet on the screen with her mother.

“From the 1st season I knew he was mom, and I love the secret she had,” the actress explained. “Having him older, I think it’s a very great introduction except her life and herself.” And I hope it’s something we can explore at some point. ”

She noted that while Mackey shared this secret with JD when they both faced ending, there was a “slim” chance of saying the rest of the team.

Swann added that fans will see how the parent affects her as an agent who moves forward. “If it’s a good day, then he’s like,” You know what, that’s why I do this job to keep the world safe for my son, “she said about the character’s space.” But if it’s a bad day, then I feel like struggling with the fact and self -harm and pain that it is away from your child. “

The team is meshing

Star NCIS SYDNEY OLIVIA Swann teasing Macheys Future Furations Secrets After Personal Revelation
Daniel Asher Smith/Paramount+

As a result of the absence of Macay and JD at the headquarters, Agent NCIS Deshawn Jackson (Sean Sagar) He had to hold the fortress. Supervised by AFP agent Evie Cooper (The wind nuddle)Tech Guru Bluebird “Blue” Gleeson (Mavournee hazel) and medical examiners Doc Roy “Rosie” Penrose (William Mcinnes).

“We see the development of this trust, We see the development The team’s team meeting because … we are all kind of mistakes, ”said Swann about the group. “We are all a little strange and we have our own jokes and we have our own way to do things, but it becomes a little smoother.”

“Frankenstein Moment” is not the craziest story

In one of the wildest premiere moments of Blue and Doc, they will re -warm the dead body so that the blue can read and scan the tattoo of a barcode man. Ink leads to a technological trail that helps the team to solve part of the secrets concerning that Rankin is reportedly blackmail.

“This season is an episode where I was,” (I) I did not expect at all. “Frankenstein a moment, that’s very tame compared,” Swann teased. “What I love is no matter how wild and weird it’s all, it’s based on reality and truth.” He became where the writers are all pulling. ”

Jack’s kidnapping is still in mind JD

Star NCIS SYDNEY OLIVIA Swann teasing Macheys Future Furations Secrets After Personal Revelation
Daniel Asher Smith/Paramount+

Although Jack was safely brought home at the end of the season and during the premiere of season 2 they will get justice, JD simply reflects back to normal.

“The great thing about JD is that it really brings heart to the team and just like Todd in such an amazing way,” Swann explained Our. “There are moments (when) you get this weight, but it’s always a kind under a beautiful, cheeky, fun loving and carefree outside.”

How will Richard Rankin the story continue?

At the end of season 2, Episode 1, viewers see that the military funeral at the beginning of the episode was for Rankin. But Macay is released to the truth, which means that Rankin is in a coma and is protected in an unpublished military facility.

According to Swann, fans will learn “quite a lot” about Rankin’s connection with an unknown villain and his fate continues in the season.

“I can’t say much about it, because it’s part of the interwoven fiber,” she teased. “It’s a kind of bigger world than I think he could imagine one of the team.”

Prepare for the next blue

Swann shared that season 2 would focus on learning the back stories of Mackey and her team, her favorite of which is blue. “I’m a blue fan through and through and through until I die,” the actress said Our. “I’ve already seen what Mavournee can do, and she’s fantastic.” I am really excited that each of them saw more and blue because she nailed her. ”

She noted that everyone’s stories would be “really exciting” and “organic” this season.

NCIS: Sydney It broadcasts on CBS on Friday at 8 pm.

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