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Your three-day sweets can fuse in the intestine, warn scientists

Your next juice cleaner can be more risky than you think. Recent studies found that three days of sweets, native intestines and mouth bacteria could lead to perhaps harmful changes.

Scientists at the University of Northwestern examined the short-term effects of three different diets compared to microbes. Compared to people in other diets, only those who drink juice showed the increase in inflammatory bacteria. The results say that researchers may have the disadvantages of violence, at least people are not sure of enough fiber dinner.

It is seen as a delicious and more convenient way to get sweets, daily fruits and vegetables. But that’s what known The sweets process is naturally in these foods, most important fiber. The decline in a diet in the fiber, constipation and microbe (living in our body and living in our body), north-Western university researchers wanted to see a juicer can do the same.

Small research 6 people designated in one of three days: a diet of people with all plants, a typical “sweater” diet and people who have no other dishes have a diet and all foods. Volunteers, oral and intestinal microbioms, measured before and after work.

Confectionery-only volunteers, microbiomes in their mouths, researchers, researchers are characterized by reducing the decline in bacteria and increased inflammatory proteobacteria. Researchers also found more subtle intestinal changes in people who are juicy; Intended to experience relative growth in bacteria related to intestinal conductivity, inflammation and cognitive decline. People in a diet of sweets / whole food diet, only smaller changes in the juice group, the plant-based diet experienced potential beneficial changes.

“These findings can have a negative impact of short-term water consumption to microbota,” they wrote in researchers, published In the magazine last month Nutritious. What is important, the changes connected only to a sweets diet, with a lack of fiber, but can cause high sugar content in these drinks.

The study is based on the example of a small volunteer, so it will be more research to repeat the team’s results and really confirm. However, fiber is already known to be an important part of a healthy diet. Researchers demonstrate the importance of not being removed, even if you think you do a favor with a quick juice.

“Most people think of a healthy purity, but this research offers a reality inspection,” said, Director of the OSHER Integrative Health Center in Feinberg Medical School of Northwest University statement from the university. “If you love sweets, combine fiber with full foods to balance the fiber or to balance the effects of your microbiom.”

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