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Google Maps is failing users on the West Coast, a study has found

A Wired investigation found that Google Maps can be nearly impossible to use on the West Coastespecially since the war started. Users told the publication that the navigation app would direct them to the walls, ignore time-consuming checkpoints or direct them to restricted roads leading to Israeli settlements, which could be dangerous for Palestinian users to drive.

Part of the problem in wartime is inevitable: In conflict, there is an increase in waypoints that any navigation service would find difficult to keep up with. Additionally, a Google spokesperson told Wired that the company doesn’t differentiate between Israeli and Palestinian roads because it needs to know the citizenship status of residents. The spokesperson also said that the company is constantly working to improve its services on the West Coast.

However, dozens of employees have told Google executives to further improve map services for Palestinians, and many people in the West Bank have stopped using Google Maps altogether, a current Google employee told Wired.

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