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Tumblr to join Federse after WordPress Migration Expired

Since then 2022The blog site is equipped with an open social network of protocol, teasing plans to integrate plans – mastodone, themes, flipboard and others. Now, the owner-belonging blog platform shares more information about when this integration can be and how.

When it comes out, the current plan to close Tumblr to open social Internet will come through the planned way of the site Switch to WordPress Infrastructure.

Automattic, when the migration is completed, every Tumblr user will be able to federate through every WordPress user today, every Tumblr user blog is a federment.

The company noted that migration can also allow other outdoor web integrations to other open web integrations, other open web integrations such as other open users to manage other special plug-ins or topics.

Last summer, Automatic announced that Transfer Half Billion Blog to WordPressThe company allows Tumblr to make it easy to build tools and features in both services and benefit from open source developments from

Although the WordPress community itself Is in the state of upheavalAs a result, Tumblr’s back end was the end of WordPress, the Tumblr user base would allow greater effectiveness without changing the favorite interface and experience.

Automatic refused to share a frame for a representative of the company, including the amount of migration, and the company “exciting”.

Users were interested in the state of the company’s open social web integrations Tumblr said he was still working in 2023. Recently a user asked about the company’s plans on a Q & A Tumblr’s work continues Blog. Here Tumblr confirmed that federsse integration is “a great reason” for itself and “sure” for it WordPress’ Available PUB plug-insAllowing you to sync messages from blog owners and participate in a wider open social Internet.

However, at any point, the growing social networking starting BlueSky, if he reviews the integration with another open social website protocol, refused to share at some point.

Specialally, when Bluesky asked how to explore these plans, a spokesman will comment on the progress only.

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