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Man who missed the SEC X account to pump Bitcoin in prison until five years

There is a man who missed the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) X for Pump Bitcoin admitted his sin Access to identity theft and device fraud. Eric Council Jr., along with the convocation, using an unauthorized access to the SEC X to send a fake comment confirming the agency’s bitcoin exchange funds. The price of Bitcoin was accelerated before growing up before turning back after the SEC.

The Cryptocurrency industry has been a long time for the ability to launch Bitcoin ETFs that allow daily traders to invest in Crypto without buying the currency by their own or a special exchange. It is considered more reliable, because investors in an ETF should not have a currency to lose the currency themselves or many common money. Seconds Approved Bitcoin ETFs With interest a day after hack.

According to the Department of Justice, the Council used an attack called SIM SIM Change, a criminal used to deceive customer service representatives of a telephone service to transfer a new device. Basically, they call the support line and use individual information about the victims that are online to convince the delegate who persuaded the people they are targeted. After receiving text messages after receiving a few numbers, the accounts on the accounts in the services are able to reset their passwords. Trust.

SIM swap has turned into a big problem in recent years, causing a big thing in an angry way 2020 Twitter violation This saw the infiltrators seized the accounts of large figures such as President Obama. Similarly, in this case, the sinners were fraudulent with a cryptist. SIM SWAPS is a suitable method for cryptocurrence wallets not protected by FDIC insurance. Once Cryptocurrency funds are stolen, it is quite difficult for the ideal vector for fraud (but not possible). Many international fraud, filming and other suspicious activities are carried out using Crycinos and Tether as a Bitcoin and Tether because it does not touch the traditional banking system for monitoring. President Trump’s Crypto Support and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is unlikely to improve the situation.

Unfortunately, all Bitcoin operations for people like the Assembly are included via a blockchain on a blockchain for anyone to leave a baking rod for investigators to find. If he had made a lot of crypto, it would be hard to hide forever.

The council itself was not sent to the SEC X, but the SIM was changed, and of course, the rest of the work, of course, left their work with his compensated convention. According to the Justice Department, the price of cryptoal after fake announcement increased to $ 1,000 and decreased by $ 2000 after seconds. This could lead to a large waterfall depending on how much sinners in the period. When the council is convicted, he faces up to five years in prison.

The Justice Department in the Press release has identified the co-chairs, but the investigation is underway.

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