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US explosion in an unexpected way in 3% in January

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Incorrect adding up to 3 percent in February, gambling is the federal hoofs from slowly and hitting stocks and bonds of puncture and bonds and bonds.

Wednesday assignment from staff bureau passed the economic expectations of the economic abusive by preparations, predicting in advance about 2.9 percent.

Monthly Monthly Increase was in front of the expectations, with 0.5 percent as compared with a percentage (0.3)

Numbers led investors to bet they fed they will cut the prices immediately this year. Before the announcement of inflation information, the future market expected you to arrive in September, with a reduction in 40 people in the end of the year.

Economist agreed that we would resolve a lot of anxiety later, and indeed the inflation is not gone, feeding it won’t cut prices at all “.

After the information is published, as a double year chan to keep us depressed and point to a normal percentage, pull 0.09 percent.

Valid S & P 500 Fees hit 1 percent, as they followed the past-weight 1,1 years. Dollar bill against six funds awakened 0.5 percent.

Data comes after Captured Calls from the US from President Donald Trump to make them quit and have 4.5 percent.

On Tuesday, a seat for Jay Powell told the Central Bank would continue “stay in politics.

But on Wednesday Trump updated his needs about his actual platform. “Profit fees should be deducted, something can move in arms and fees next !!” The US President is written. Lets rock and roll, America !!!! “

Wednesday details will rich concerns among many people that the greatest heated economy and reduction of taxes and more taxes.

Since returning to the White House on January 20, Trump has begun to be dismissed in a number of unconscious immigrants, and 10 trains from 10 foreign areas.

He has also declared high violences of all from Canada and Mexico, as well as all a metal metal and aluminum, will work in March.

Powell said it is still very early to judge the influence of billing and money policy, because this will depend on many people’s details.

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