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Mystery Thriller On Tubi takes over humanity with evil creatures

According to Robert Scucci
| Published

There is nothing like meeting an old friend you haven’t seen for years. But if your friend is convinced that demons will take the country, and he is the only person who has been informed of his plans for the domination of the world, you will not precisely erase the beer pong table and remember the old times. This is the heart of the story in 2015 They look like peopleAn independent psychological horror thriller, which is a bit existential, a bit theological and 100 percent scary when you think about the consequences of letting someone you know, crashing in your place for an indefinite time.

Wyatt and Christian, finally met

They look like people

They look like people Wednesdays on two childhood friends, Wyatt (Macleod Andrews) and Christian (Evan Dumoutel) who were inseparable when they grew up, but at the time they reached maturity, they divided because their lives took them in different directions. When Wyatt arrives unannounced in a Christian apartment in New York, Christian takes him because it is immediately clear that something is gone with his best friend and wants to help in any way. Wyatt reveals that he broke up with his fiancé, but does not explain the reason why – he suspects that she has become the leadership of the demonic force that has taken over her body.

Christian, also based on his own wave of depression after ejection his The fiance is somehow more decelerated than Wyatt, because he thinks that in the gym and listening to sound books to “control” life is the repair it needs to find real happiness.

Wyatt breaks up

They look like people

As They look like people Wyatt is slowly burning and finds that he receives telephone calls from a demonic voice that tells him he has to be saved from an immediate apocalypse, resulting in supplies to supplies various weapons in the Christian basement to prepare what to figure out. Is constantly moving from the perspective of Wyatta to a neutral convenient place, They look like people It keeps its cards near the chest by mentioning Wyatt’s past mental health problems, but also suggests that reality is not such a binary experience and that there may actually be some demonic force in the game.

Christian, who is trying to be a supportive friend, urges Wyatt to see his therapist and let his medication edit. While Christian treatment of Wyatt is exactly the behavior you would like to see from the best friend because he comes from a sensitive and caring place, Christian also struggles with his own personal demons because the new personality accepted as Macho man and direct shooter doesn’t work exactly in His benefit and causes him problems on the professional and romantic front.

Worrying research of mental illness and friendship

They look like people

They look like people It offers a unique tracking experience because its two protagonists are fighting two different types of suffering that are very real from their own perspective. Christian’s Odyssey stems from his own hatred and desperate desire to become an ideal modern alpha-mala, although most of his life lives as an incredibly uncertain individual. Wyatt, on the other hand, finds himself on the verge of psychotic breaks and the only person who even considers him listening to him is a Christian who will not personally blame if Wyatta was to kick his place in his place in his place. the more unforeseeable as they think hordes demons are about to show themselves and mention in a new dark age.

Forcing the viewer to use his imagination and consider the consequences of what both wyatt and Christian experience, They look like people It is a slow exploration of friendship and mental illness that you do not want to sleep. While both characters go through wild different existential crises, their friendship is ultimately what keeps them ground when they try to understand their lives that fall apart around them, which will eventually have to be solved whether the apocalypse comes or not.

You can stream from this writing They look like people Free on tubi.

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