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The mask of fear is a book of star wars for the political moment

Alexander released Most compelling books one Star wars‘The modern period, but I don’t think it is psychic. It would be easier to set a part of an eerie to a book like the latest, Mask of fearIn the meantime, we see every day in the first months of the second Trump Office, despite the news and headings of the nobody in the emergence.

But not true – I am sure that as many of us, I did not see that half of what we hear in the last few weeks saw the most spectrachized. Would not be fair FearDue to the release of the next few years, the authors first in a triifecta, the first to do it, or the first to do it. In relevant, what is released is simply what Star wars He has always done, Map of a period in politics Speaking and reflecting the American Empire, in various situations in different periods.

This has been the purpose of the series since the beginning Lucas’ parallels intended Rebel Alliance’s Partisan War and Vietnamese, Vietnamese War, America’s interests – Preel Trilogy’nin a fascist control in the height of the war, transformed a violated government and transformed a modified government. A goal out of it was a lot of way Star wars Now with modern stories Ahsoka, Underwearand Mandaloria all reflected in some small ways repeated political nature How this is the world and this in turn of America’s liberal and conservative powers.

In some ways, it was not completely fair or true to compare Fear for Star wars The most pre-declared, the most compared to the previously announced Underwear. Yes, of course, these excellent series focus on the characters. Mask He builds around himself) and no doubt awakens a dark and fundamental tone like a political thriller.

Andor Mon Mothma Senate
© lucasfilm

But it would be fair to say that Underwear and Mask Solve a similar idea from the perspective of two very different context. Underwear A total of 5 years ago starts from the events One of the naughty and A new hope: The empire is well established as the power of galaxy, retention strength and resistance structures, the FACHENS, which wears from below this grip, is factions that we do not meet in the most rarest forms. They are not yet organized resistance, which will remain in front of a galactic civil war, but in a while one or the other fought the empire in a while.

Mask of fear He sits almost completely opposite of the chronological spectrum. Set a few weeks after the end Sith’s revengeThe empire itself is still more than one name, the sweep of the Palpatine’s execution of the execution of the book, which can seem like the most prototypic, but really, because the power grip may seem most prototypic, but really They also begin to understand that they are really busy.

Naturally, there are three initial arcs of spying elements and the book-Mon Mothma Mothma rally, and a former separatist sleep agent, which is familiar with the former separatist sleep agent, faced a former separatist sleep agent. But Fear It is a political book in its nucleus.

It is not necessarily what this means Fear Secret action scenes of hidden movement for serious disputes about politics. However, instead, we pay attention to new characters, regardless of the columns of this narrative, this story and prospects to offer their concepts and prospects in this wonderful period Star wars‘Schedule-Fear The policy of the coalition building is due to the policy of the coalition building, the moral of the morality, or the adopted action of an appropriate action.

Star Wars Fear Mask Mon Pledge Tracie Ching
© Tracie Ching / Penguin Random Home

All three columns Fear Finally intersects, but at once, if we knew that one another with each other with each other with each other with each other with each other with each other with each other. It still builds a maturity in the released writings and characteristics that it is not afraid of adopting these divisions, and unexpectedly combines these symbols or these symbols.

These basic prospects in the book will recognize it, as we represent the various aspects of all rebellion. Mon still believes in political systems and actions in the presence of the republic or in the usurpation of the palpati or corruption. Admission is seen by others and sometimes seen by himself because it may be foolish enough to believe in the cracks of exposing the truth (not released Some people Robert Muellerin intervenes in the 2016 presidential election How did they look at the affiliated investigation, but of course there are echo There are echoes in modern US policy in the book). Apparently, the lowest investigation of the triche in this special part of the trilogy is good for the radicalization of the extremist movement, which is extremist moving up to extremist movement from extremist movement.

Fear It is best when you come to a point where it can explore different ideas and synthesize the resistance coalition. Palpatine can be a spectator stretching in the integrity of the book, but it is not an invigorating for a group of heroes and a hero who has defeated. The conflict, these political opinions, or smaller battles, how small battles, as a simple choice to avoid or not to follow a threatening mode to power, predatory corridors, precedent.

This is the last feeling, maybe he will resonate with the audience, especially those worried The current state of the United States. Although the parallels point to read this here, now here, not released from freedom, and said, “No. said,” No., “Whose” the voice said. Mask of fear As in 2025 in 2016, as in 2016, as in 2001, as in the ’80 and ’70s, or as another nation, be in any period Facilates the threat of the future, authoritarian and oligarchs.

Andor saw Gererra Luthen
© lucasfilm

A fewer stories played the current state of the world, fathers, so much freedom died ” Sith’s revengeand left there, but Fear It’s smarter than that. In this book, how freely conducts this book Star wars‘The established history and political infrastructure is the idea that resonates throughout the franchise. Through this through ripe lenses, it is often quite early in their journeys to these fate, it can be explained to these fate, the world is outside our windows, but still deep.

For this book, the most interesting and most suitable, for the first prospect of both trilogy, as well as a broader prospect Star wars‘Battle against fascism, Fear Not really a book with a certain end. Themes, of course, both of our audience and the story know that this is just the beginning of an action. This book does not have the most obvious villain, but the resistance requires time: It takes a lot of time, the Aldernas requires a really dangerous world, the tool of populist, authoritarian appeals and none of it is easy.

Star wars Of course, sometimes alone, and the luxury fantasy of evil to themselves alone and until defeat, and there is joy in this. But Mask of fear At the present moment, he likes a world for all dark shadows, it finds a lot of light to think that the fight should be fight anyway.

Star Wars: The domination of the empire – a mask of fear February 25 shelves. A developed copy for the opinion.

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