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Super strong ‘metal foam’ space can change and how to change the protection

How strong is it as strong as steel, as strong as the fire and radiation, which can affect aluminum, as light and ballistic? Metal foam.

For more than a decade of North Carolina, more than a decade, engineering Afsaneh Rabiei Cominational metal foam (CMF) – ÇELLA, Titanium, aluminum or other alloys made of metal metal “bubbles”. Up to protection from air and space travel, a very powerful and light material can have different applications. After testing of ballistics, explosions, vibrations, radiation and fire, Rabiei, developed years of advanced materials is officially ready for production.

Although no combined metal foam, Rabiei claims to be his CMF sungley. For example, in 2019 learn published in the magazine Composite structuresResearchers demonstrated the armor of vehicles made of material made of material and material made of materials, both bubbles and material.

“CMF armor was less than half of the weight of rolling homogeneous steel armor to reach the same level of protection,” Rabiei, research co-chair, North Carolina State University statement. “In other words, we were able to save an important weight that benefits the performance and fuel efficiency.

Two years ago, Rabiei and his colleagues found that the CPF was followed by a better temperature from the same metal. As the team described in 2016 learn is published International Journal of Thermal SciencesA thick piece of 2.5 inches of 2.5 inches 2.5 inches (1.91 centimeters by 6.35 centimeters 6.35 centimeters), one side of the same size, 1.472 degrees Fahrenheit (800 degrees Celsius). Steel took eight minutes, while taking four minutes to reach the same temperature.

“The presence of air pockets within the CMF makes it so effective in the clog of heat, mainly by slower air,” Rabiei explained in another university statement. This means that CMF can protect heat sensitive materials – sensitive chemicals or cosmonauts can protect vehicles carrying astronauts from space.

On space, Rabiei revealed that I have the ability to protect various forms of CPF ten years ago. In 2015 learn published in the magazine Radiation physics and chemistryThe team showed that the CPF was effective in preventing X-ray and gamma rays (Dangerous space radiation) but also neutron radiation (when incoming) During nuclear reactors and nuclear explosions).

“In short, CMFs promises different applications: from space surveys to nuclear waste, explosives and dangerous materials, military and security applications and even cars, buses and trains, buses and trains, buses and trains, buses and trains statement in ballistic tests.

Here is another puzzle for you: Metal foam and what are the ancient Romans partner? Both advanced previous inventions and applications. The Romans invented from other civilizations and made them better, and the CPF takes the applications of other materials and visible them with little weight. Although the producers believe it, it remains to be seen.

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