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First Brazil Collages jair bolsonaro on top of coup polot

Open free editor’s words

Brazil’s Former Leader Jair Bolsonaro has been Formally Charged With Leading a Coup Plot IntenDed to keep Him in Power after losing the 2022 election to President Luiz Inácio Stay in Silva.

A hard uncertain professional was charged with a nationalistic “criminal organization” to remove the most democracy in Latin community America.

Bachocullers say that some of those who are thirsting participated in this project, including Bolsonaro‘s President of President of “

The phase of this project includes purposes to keep killing him to prevent office, prosectors were saved.

BrazilNow the highest court of ‘have to think about accusations and decide whether you will pass the test. If a person is sentenced to Bolmonanro, our President Donald Trump’s friend, can face a long Jail judgment.

The Brazilian Managers, Bolmonaro is already published to read in the public office up to 2030 because of attacks in the national stations.

He also confronts some case court cases of disappearing courtship certificate with the illegal certificate of Jedels.

Instead of relocating the Supreme Court, ‘Muelli -Lolle-Allec-General Pauel Goanen options 2022 to do “.

Were based on A detailed report of police police from the last one.

There was no quick response from bolmonaro, who seized the Ark that as a political victim of politics.

In recent days, the existing President tried to join his commander to be trapped, but the rate of invisible accusation was surprised.

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