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Meta, Facebook, Instagram and topics begin to receive log notes for community records

Meta declared Thursday Register For the community notes program on Facebook, Instagram and topics. Ela Announcement, last month will end the third party truth inspection program and act instead To the model of community notes is similar in x.

One Blog PostMeta explains that on platforms on community record platforms will be a way for users for users and add more context to the articles.

From today, people can register to be among the first contributors of the program. To register, users must be located in the United States and over 18 years of age. Moreover, users must have an account in more than six months and in good condition, along with the checked phone number or two-factor authentication.

Meta says they can write and present a community note to the writing they think they are misleading or confusing. As in X in X, notes can include things like background information, end or other details that users can be useful.

Notes will be in the limit of 500 characters and you are required to enter a link.

“For the note of a society to be published in a post, they will be able to agree with the benefit of a note to celebrate how to rate the notes in the past,” Meta explains. “When there is no agreement or that people do not agree, the notes will not be added to the content.”

Meta said that community records will be written and evaluated by the contributors, not by the technological giant. All notes must meet the metal community standards.

“We intend to be transparent about how different viewpoints inform the notes shown in our applications and work properly to share this information.”

The company plans to provide public notes in the United States in the next few months. The meta was not shared when planning to bring the feature to additional countries.

The decision to check the account of the meter community records was seen as the company placed itself for Trump presidency, because online requires an approach to the unlimited speech. When Meta change is declared, Zuckerberg Mark He said in a video This fact was a checkerboom “very political bias” and destroyed “more confidence than they created.”

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