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UK customers revolve to keep as a more confident of many economic people

Open free editor’s words

UK families before saving collaboration even more economic relief to provide horrible reliefs, investing in the column.

January was considered “a good time to keep” in 30 percent of customers, measurement equal to February Friday.

Just a shy number of 33 Pasis of 33 people. the cost of life problems and highly rise when the flow of interest.

GFK program separates the GFK MARSER CONUMER

The survey was carried in the first half of March, as the tribulation resulted in that economic economic growth and deceptiveness “and aware of aware of High prices and jobs cutes After depending on tax depending on the fall plan.

CONSIDERATION of data published on Wednesday He showed that inflation reads over ten months 3 in length in February, as the economy grows in the second half of 2024.

Neil Bellamy, Customer’s Permission Permission Authorization Nieelniq / GFK, said that goals have pointed out in the people (because they have no hope for the economy of the economy “.

Many families were saved rather than interacting ‘because he thought there were additional problems to come’, increase the economy, adding money.

Line chart reports in the amount recorded or negative time to keep the purpose of keeping the message

GFK Sub-Indox views monitor the economic economic attitude climbed a month but still deepened at 31.

The July suggests that the gap between strong growth and weak customer use can continue, as an opportunity to reduce economic growth.

Official details on Tuesday indicates modified money for a rapid rating since 2021 in the last three months until the last month. But the use of families in a third second quarter of 2024, contributes to weak GDP growth.

According to the customer’s ratio who said it was a great time to buy three points, grow recovery from lows. For six years before the epidemic was in a normal average.

One updated improvement is how users have seen their finances for the next year, with the increase in a four-point area of ​​a bad field.

Bellamy declared the return decision to look at interest rates in 4,75 to 4.5 this month “would” make sense for other people “

But he said “The crowds still struggling with the cost of living injuries. Prices are rising above the gooe; electricity debts remain a challenge for many families.”

Boe Teker Rating Teker Katherine Mann vote for a jumbo half-seven At the center bank meeting on March 6.

“We have noticed to raise the real money for a long time and with the rise of real money, use should be more stubborn. I thought it would happen in the last year. I was talking about money dry to use. He said to a untimely interview.

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