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What did the cheater of the “Scamanda” Cancer Amanda Riley of Prison (without) the “Scamanda”

Scamanda producer reveals what a cheater of Cancer Amanda Riley said from prison
ABC News/Hulu/YouTube

Abc Scamanda Documentation ended with unveiling that condemned and imprisoned a cheater of cancer Amanda Riley spoke outside the camera with a producer Charlie WebsterAlso the creator/host of the podcast hit 2023 of the same name. What the document did not publish: Webster spoke to Riley from the record since its conviction in May 2022.

“She told me it was sorry,” Webster said Us every week exclusively in a recent interview. “He regrets everything she has done.” Every day … now she’s in a situation where she has lost everything. ”

As Scamanda Listeners and observers know that Riley has a lot to regret it: for several years in 2010, energetic wife and mom from Tony Bay Area, California suburbs used personal blog and introduced photographs to pretend various, almost fatal cancer seizures- increase more than 100 000 dollars in cash donch plus more in gifts, trips, celebrity meetings and other benefits. All of this led to conviction 2021 for fraud with wires.

Scamanda docuserias as Amanda Riley pulled out a shocking producer Hoax Cancer explains all 316

Webster first proceeded to Riley “from the beginning” when she started to produce podcast and, Later a document. “No matter what she did, it is important that she was informed,” he says. “As a journalist and writer, it was very important for me to try to know who Amanda is.” Was it this vengeful, terrible monster? Was it someone with mental illness? ”

Riley refused to participate in a podcast or document and currently “can’t speak to the media”, says Webster Our. Riley is also in the middle of the divorce of husband Cory, with whom he shares two sons, which further complicates everything he publicly publishes.

Scamanda producer reveals what a cheater of Cancer Amanda Riley said from prison
ABC News/Hulu/YouTube

Webster, on the lookout before manipulation, admits that she has found Riley “nice” during their conversations over the last three years. “I was very aware of the situation and not just naive.” He sometimes meets very upset, but she is also aware that he does not want people to think he behaves like a victim. ”

Riley’s scheme began to disintegrate after the investigative producer Nancy moscatiello, Contact by an anonymous tipster (who proved to be Riley’s ex -girlfriend Lisa Berry, as revealed in the first episode of the show), began to deal with the case – eventually led to a police investigation.

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How did she get so deep? Why didn’t she just stop offering false health updates on her blog? “She told me she tried to stop and then feared the loss of everything,” Webster says. “But she doesn’t.” She has just continued because people asked her (about health updates), right? She just dug deeper and couldn’t get out of it. ”

While many of them assumed that Riley was a narcissist, sociopath, or suffering from Munchausen, he must still be diagnosed with any mental disorder, he points to Webster. Riley told Webster that she understood “the emotional injury that caused people. . He wants to serve his sentence and then try to find out if possible how to apologize to people (hurt). ”

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These personal apologies can happen before Christmas. According to Webster, Riley was moved from prison to a temporary facility and its current release date was moved until December 9, 2025.

Scamanda producer reveals what a cheater of Cancer Amanda Riley said from prison
Amanda Riley/Blogspot

Webster is optimistic that Riley will not try to fraud again as soon as he is free – especially because her podcast and television fame makes it anonymously anonymously.

“I think it will be very, very difficult for her,” says Webster Our. “Do we believe in the second chance?” Do we believe in redemption? Do we believe that people can learn their lessons and change? This is the case of an attempt to rebuild her life. Maybe they don’t really build – try to build a new life. I don’t think he can build up again. ”

Scamanda Now he streams on Hulu.

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