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Katee Sackhoff hates their best scenes Battlestar Galactica

According to Chris Snellgrove
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Katee Sackhoff is best known for Battlestar Galactica Reboot of the series in which the pilot Ace Viper played. The show has always stressed that her character was more at home in the cockpit than anywhere else, because she was a gifted pilot whose personal and professional life was always in eternal chaos. The fact that the character of Katee Sackhoff was as at home as a pilot is morbidly ironic because the actor herself absolutely Hated Her Viper scene.

Katee Sackhoff and its Zvar

Looking back at her most famous scene Katee Sackhoff very honestly said, “I despise (scenes from Viper cockpit).” One of the reasons why she hated these scenes is that “it’s very unpleasant in this tight space.” This makes great sense. Acting already involves performing in relatively small sets and the need to make a larger filter in a small cockpit makes the more difficult job so harder.

He seems to get into the venting of her frustrations, Katee Sackhoff continued with her passionate boasting over the viper: Water, you need water, you need water, but you can’t drink it because you have to pee again. “These are very understandable concerns, and now we have much more respect for what the actor stood to bring us his coolest scenes on the show.

Katee Sackhoff focused on purely mechanical fears of filming cockpit scenes, but eventually turned its attention to something as much as possible Battlestar Galactica Fans adore: pilot uniform Viper. According to the actor: “You have these rubber suits and get stuck in the seat … Rough!” Certainly it is something most cosplayers trying to re-create this iconic uniform do not think before preparing for Comic-Con.

As it turned out, Katee Sackhoff also hated her viper scenes because of the temperature problems in the cockpit. “Then there is wind in your face and fall asleep because it is so hot,” she said. Based on this description, these scenes were the worst of the two worlds, and the actors had to deal with the heat causing sleep or disturbing wind that both interfere with the actor’s ability to do their job.

Speaking of the actor’s work, Katee Sackoff touched the fact that her Viper scene in combination with the technical terms used by writers often made it difficult to prepare for the scenes. “You are trying to remember the whole dialog – 50 pages – all this technical mumbo jumbo,” she said. There’s a little irony because showrunner Ronald Moore started writing Star Trek: Another generationThe show, where the actors complained perfectly on the dialogue “Technobabble”, which had to say that these lands of the 24th century were credible.

Katee Sackhoff, which ended her boasting, described her recurring thought in filming these viper scenes: “break my knee, please.” This is referring to her character injured after the disruption of her ship in the episode “You can’t go home” and for the rest of the season is on crutches, something Sackhoff said as “the best thing that happened in season 1. ”Until the second season he does not fly again, and although it disappointed many fans, it sounds like the actor longed for days when her character did not have to fly no so friendly sky.

When we first heard that Katee Sackhoff hated the shooting of her Viper scenes, it was something disappointing. After all, Starbuck was our favorite Battlestar Galactica The character and her pilot antiquity were particularly unforgettable. We hear her boasting about film conditions, but we can’t help but sympathize with everything she passed to revive our favorite scenes. And all of this is just proof (not that we needed it) that Sackhoff is just as hard and tough woman as her most famous character.

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