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The classic episode of South Park has become a ten -year joke

According to Robert Scucci
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Sometimes the best kind of joke requires years of long pregnancy period before it can finally find your legs and elaborate into a covers story. For South Park The creators of Trey Parker and Matt Stone, finally were about to develop their infamous bit “Sting” during the season 13 called “Butters” Bottom Bitch “seen by Sergeant Harrison Yates, who committed his work in the unthinkable way to take off and prostitution ring, who plays his little mountain town for a long time to finally get involved. Originally stood up as a joke while Parker and Stone worked Orgasm back in 1997, as soon as South Park First, the wheels on the comedy Central began to be made and long before Sergeant Yates was always a fully developed figure, we would not see that this bit was fully realized until 2009, when all the pieces finally fell into place.

Bind to a piece at all levels

Joke to discard South Park

The South Park All DVDs have a short “mini-Commentary” representing Trey Parker and Matt Stone, who briefly talk about the production and arches of the character in every episode. They explain that as they run in the middle of the season 13, they encountered a hitch in writing “Butters” Bitch Fitch when they realized they still needed a suitable B plot to run in Tandem with Butters descent into a criminal underworld With his “kissing companies”, which results in the embodiment of the moral code directly inspired by the HBO document Pimps up, it is down.

While Butters mostly innocent but still technically the criminal enterprise begins to flourish, sergeant Harrison Yates, who first became a prominent figure in South Park Lore during season 8 “Jeffersons” decides to take the best way to take off this operation is the only way from the inside to know how: through a complicated sting operation in which he dresses as a sex worker and arrests anyone who wants to throw down cash on Good time.

What makes more than ten years of joke so really influenced is how Yates does not attract his badge and firearm when he changes his hands, but rather after completing any act for which his clients pay, shock and horror to the police department Park County district.

It’s time to pull out the trigger

Joke to discard the South Park

Parker and Stone knew they would soon be in their career that they would never be able to get away with the joke they had come with at work OrgasmWhich was a policeman who started his dangerous odyssey with “Hey, looking for a party?” South Park to this day. They caught up in jam and realized that in season 13 they had a significant impact on how far they could push the envelope, plunged their hands up because they were seriously burned from work on their previous episode of “dead celebrities”.

During this moment despair South Park The creators decided to revive the joke and dress the sergeant Harrison Yates in their best red vinyl miniskirt, suitably decorated with a black whale tail, fishing nets and a clumsy blonde and get it on the streets. As South Park The episode progresses with their second and third acts, as well as the level of Yates’ feeling of corrupted and determination to work that leaves his collaborators Awestruck and stunned by how far he is willing to clean the South Park Street.

Better late than never

Joke to discard South Park

Of all 328 episodes South ParkThis 13 episode season is one of the best of the series, currently sitting on site number 31 on IMDB with 8.8 out of 10 stars. Although we can always be surprised why the legendary subplete leaned out earlier, it is probably the best, because sometimes ideas need time to develop and find their justified place in a larger umbrella story. In the case of the police department in County, we are all happy that Parker and Stone were waiting for no other character that could be convincingly devoted to his work other than Sergeant Harrison Yates.

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