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Why Sebastian Roche from 1923 asked indigenous women for “forgiveness”

Sebastian Roché There is no strange playing villains, but one brutal moment 1923 He made him change his approach.

In an interview with Us every weekActor, 60, reflected in preparing for filming his character, father of Renaud, killing Lenah Robinson“Baapuxi – a student at a boarding school in northern Dakota for indigenous Americans – in the 1st season. “In front of the scene I wanted to clean the air and talk about what we are going to do because we are creating (history) that has actually happened.”

“I wanted to clean the air by asking forgiveness before we did the scene,” Vampire Diaries Kamenec continued. “It really helped not only (other) relieve tension, but I, because I suddenly felt incredibly emotional in these scenes.”

“(It’s) so realistic that I was really incredibly emotional and nervous,” Roche explained, remarking that afterwards, “I was really physically exhausted.”

In 1923, Roché’s father Renaud was a gross headmaster at a boarding school in northern Dakota for indigenous Americans, where Baapuxi and her cousin Teonna rainwater (Aminah nieves) are students. In season 1 Theonna kills two offensive nuns before it flees into the night. After the priest discovers the deceased women, Baapuxi interrogates for the answers. When he refuses to reveal where Theonna escaped, Father Renaud kills her. Season 2 picks up where the final endedWith Father Renaud and American marshal looking for theon.

1923 with Sebastian Roche asked indigenous women for forgiveness

Sebastian Roché as Father Renaud in 1923. ‘ Emerson Miller/Paramount+

Filming of Season 2 was “physically tax and emotionally taxes,” Roche said Ournoticed that his character is going through “change” in Yellowstone Prequel’s return. “He is accompanied by this marshal, who may be more merciless than him, so he sees alter ego, a kind of carbon copy of himself, forcing him to question certain things about himself.”

For Roche – whose previous roles include Vampire Diaries“Mikael Mikaelson and General Hospital ‘With Jerry Jacks – It is essential that he does not consider his characters “evil” or “bad” when he revived them on the screen. Instead, he decides to go through a “psychological evaluation” of character.

Anthony Hopkins He always told me (to) read the script – reads the script 80 times – and eventually the script tells you his secret, “he said Our. “I could find (father Renaud) is a scary figure, but where does this ruthlessness come from?”

“It requires so much energy and focus, and it is a quite exhausting character that plays the best possible way because it is so rich,” Roché added. “He may be unilateral to you, but he is extremely rich for me.”

Roche is looking forward to the fact that viewers show how his character is played in season 2. “You will see many different aspects of Father Renaud,” he added, “which I found really, really exciting and interesting.”

Season 2 1923 Premiere Sunday 23rd February on Paramount+.

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