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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
According to Drew Dietsch
| Published
“… Sometimes it is difficult not to believe that they live in the future that has already happened, and has now been exhausted.” – JG Ballard
The future is something we are constantly thinking about as people. Not in chasing “What is for dinner tonight?” way. I’m talking about the future. Our dreams and nightmares about where civilizations, society, technology and humanity go.
And right now I have to say that the future is grim. One of the greatest factors in this terrible feeling that so many people have about the future is shrinking on the growing and never obvious division between rich and others.
It is difficult to see how only the very selected people upstairs make life miserable for all of us under them.
Obviously, this is not a problem that has appeared overnight, and many great works of art have explored the warning history of classes.
But there is one story that has since I declared, my 2016 film. A film that has become stronger and more scary with every next year. A brutal, dark, absurd and unpleasant story of the sci -fi, which makes it perfect to pair with your own looking slip of our world into a crazy dystopia.
And Loki is in it! Naked!
It is HeightThe film will tell you everywhere that it was published in 2015, but these are all the data of the film festival that does not count. Wide editions were in 2016. It’s the 2016 Film. IMDB and Wikipedia may bend.
HeightFilm 2016, is based on the 1975 JG Ballard novel. Ballard was mostly known for writing post-apocalyptic and dystopic fiction, which dealt with the idea of social disintegration and the basic nature of human beings.
IN HeightThe story focuses around Robert Laing, a new tenant in a modern home complex that offers everything a person has to exist in contemporary life. For example, there is a whole floor of a building that is a supermarket, so residents may not even leave to buy.
Obviously, the building is heavily divided by class and this is deliberately maintained by different floors, with exaggerated rich inhabitants of higher floors and poorer tenants occupying apartments below.
As the story progresses, the inhabitants of the building are beginning to experience energy outages, as it is increasingly depending on the building for their everyday life. People will stop going to their work, parents will stop sending children to school, and it seems that in a height procedure that takes care of the basic units of humanity, it seems that the whole civilization is formed.
All this is determined with a very clear metaphor of the height itself. As this social apocalypse escalates, decadent rich continues to live on higher floors and even attack the lower floor for stocks and attacking poor tenants in the dark during the outages.
When it was time to turn Ballard’s novel into a film, writer Amy Jump and director Ben Wheatley made a very conscious and integral choice in adaptation. Ballard’s novel does not provide any definitive year for the events that take place, but are to be considered a very close future in its warning story.
The Height The film sets the story in 1975, in the same year as the novel was released. Initially, the justification could seem like a chance to indulge in some nostalgic styles, such as the fashion of the era or the overall aesthetics of the design.
Line from Ballard’s novel, which is located in the voice movie, is the one that triggered this video and is the key to understanding Height Like a movie.
Setting the film at the age of 70 and introducing his story as an example of social decline is guessed of Ballard’s creative work presented in this brilliant line. The future that has been promised is the one you are experiencing and has already been exhausted. We’ll get back to it.
It is necessary to say that even if Height It’s my favorite movie, I admit it won’t be a movie for … well, probably most people. It is a film where the dog is killed and consumed in the first two minutes and then another dog is murdered by drowning. If I have learned something from the decades of watching, writing and talking about movies, it is that the viewers really do not like when you die puppies in your movie.
And the rest of the film will not be much cheerful. Tom Hiddleston He plays Robert Laing and his observations about the building and her people lead to a character that many people probably won’t like. Laing is a cold man looking for what could lead to a real human connection, but also plays a dark joke on a boorical rich child from a building that leads to terrible suicide.
Laing’s path and philosophy then become very passive when the building descends into chaos and anarchy. It is a kind of character that probably works better in written form, but I think Hiddleston gives one of its most layered performances in Height.
This is also a film with a very specialized sense of humor. As I mentioned, the whole piece of “eating a dog” at the beginning comes from the first line of the novel Ballarda and it is to be a bit Dark comedy. A similar example is when the laing sits down at dinner with an architect of the building, Anthony Royal (played by Jeremy Irons), who asks the laing for their thoughts of the building because someone screams in the background.
Looking from this angle is a lot of black absurdity on the pitch in which I love HeightIn particular, Luke Evans as Richard Wilder, one of the tenants of buildings who, as his name tells you, succumbs to his wildest impulses and behavior. Evans is endless, casts spitting and the overall goblin mode goes. It’s ridiculous and tragic to the same extent.
But, Height It is not factory charged in its presentation. The close from Clint Mansell is appropriately psychotic, jumping from regal bombast to a children’s whim at a moment, and it is not a kind of musical experience to make the audience feel comfortable.
The overall appearance of the film is exceptionally polished, but dreaming is not something that the mainstream viewers would click. I love it because it emphasizes idyllic dreams of progress and comfort that slowly consume natural nightmares of human state.
And that means we’ll get a sequence set to Portishead Cover “SOS” ABBA, which is one of the best things of the last decade.
I could talk Height For hours, but one of the reasons I wanted to make a video on it is the hope that at least one person discovers Height Because they saw this video. So I don’t want to choose everything in the movie.
But another reason I felt Height Deserves highlighting because I see many people who are starting to experience what Height He talked about it in 2016.
It seems that we are in the middle of a great cultural awareness of a sharp division between Havees and NeoTs. So many of us realize that the future we have sold will never be possible. It was someone’s dream that has already become and is now exhausted.
At the end HeightLaing found happiness. It is in the realization that the social construct created by the post-apocalyptic society of the altitude ship is probably the best reflection of humanity in its entire animal nature. And waiting for another height in the area to find the same descent to barbaric bliss.
It’s not an optimistic end, it’s a bleak comic, but one that I can’t help feel some dark truth. Back to want the higher class to feel the same riots that the rest of us experience.
Height It is quite explicit in its metaphorical stopping the spread of capitalist society, especially at the very end with a child character who listened to Margaret Thatcher’s broadcast, and I think many more people would now vibrate the mentality of an inherent mismatch of capitalism with human nature.
I hope the world does not reflect Height But in case of recipes for my dogs I reach out.