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Birth Clinic Millie Nabs $ 12 million star, all female classes

An Eu Sharma, a California Maternity Clinic, the RH capital, TMV and Melinda announced a $ 12 million in a number of $ 12 million by investors.

Sharma launched the company after his daughter was born in 2019. Pregnancy faced complications and identified some symptoms kidnapped by medical staff as a doctor’s child. The experience caused him to build a maternity clinic he wanted when he wants him.

The result is a Milile, Maternity and Gynecology Care, as well as postpartum training, mental health and nutritional advice. It works with all large insurance companies and has a person and virtual support from a technological platform that provides patient monitoring tools. In this place, others include quilt health and oula.

“Millie is a hybrid model that unites our boats in our clinics with unique, virtual visits, remote monitoring and property application” Sharma Techcrunch. “We are doing this with a capital effective model, with an effective workflow, payers and health system increases in cooperation with partners.”

Millie’s cover table consists of firms led by all women. The company growing about $ 19 million will use fresh capital to expand its physical trace in California and develop technological services. He also wants to expand the network of health partners with his work.

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