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A deadly unknown disease appeared in DRC

A mysterious disease Symptoms such as Ebola appeared in the Democratic Republic of Congo. According to World Health OrganizationIn addition, the disease was first discovered on January 21, and hundreds of infected in the last five weeks and more than 50 people died in the north-west of the country. Health officials must still determine the cause of the disease.

Preliminary investigations, Boloko village, appeared to death in the day of the three children killed in the food days. The symptoms of infected with fever, headache, diarrhea, nasal, nose, vomiting blood and general bleeding, such as the symptoms caused by viruses Ebola and marburg. However, experts have ruled out these pathogens after testing more than the example of the suspects.

In early February, the medical bodies, a few hundred kilometers away, a few hundred kilometers away in the village of Bost and death, there is no known relationship between groups. A total of 431 suspicious infections were reported, including 53 deaths, when the person took place on February 15. In most cases, the interval between symptoms and deaths were only 48 hours.

Examples of 18 work, Kinshasa, Kinshasa, Kinshasa, were sent to the Biotical Research Institute, the negative test for the most common pathogens related to the symptoms, some were a positive test for malaria. “The exact reason is unknown, Ebola and Marburg excessive concern about the infectious or toxic agent,” The Who wrote In the most recent newsletter, it is urgent to speed up laboratory research, improve the leadership and isolation of infected and increase control and risk communication. “Remote space and weak health infrastructure increases the risk of further spread that requires high-level intervention containing the spread.”

A process known as Zoonotic Spillover, the occurrence of diseases caused by the pathogens of a process more common in Africa. The change of land use and climate change is two large drivers, because both of them can increase contacts between people, but also wildlife with pathogenic lirab wild. According to the calculations From whomThe occurrence of diseases from animals from animals increased by 63 percent in Africa between 2012-2022. In recent years, the continent has seen numerous eruptions of the clusters of Ebola and Marburg.

Last year, the last, another mysterious disease killed more than 70 people in the southwest of DRC. The symptoms of the scratch began to be a flu and the most patient examples of tested were positive for malaria. After that, it was later attributed to aggrieved respiratory infections by Malaria.

This story originated first String Italian and translated from Italian.

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