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FTB says ‘responsible’ for a baybe heist of North Korea’s $ 1.4 billion

FTB said the North Korean government is “responsible for” to hack on Crypto Exchange Bybit Ethereum resulted in theft of more than $ 1.4 billion in cryptocurrence.

Wednesday, Office Left a public adviceto attribute to a group known as hacki Traderator.

Contact us

Do you have more information about ByBIT hack or other crypto? You can contact the signal securely with Lorenzo Franceschi-Bichierai, which is a unemployed device and network +1 917 257 1382 or telegram and keybase @lorenzofb or Email. You can also contact TechCrunch Secretary.

“TRADITRAORE actors continue and part of the stolen assets are collapsed at a large number of addresses in Bitcoin and other virtual assets.

On February 21, BYbit, Hackers 401,346 EtherEUM is a victim of a heist worth $ 1.4 billion, he said. Soon security firms and researchers The accused blamed the theft hackers of the North Korean government. Bybit Launched a $ 140 million bounty Get help to watch stolen funds and freeze.

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