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Landsec’s Landsec’s Landsec Trade to residential goods

Open free editor’s words

Landsec, one of the most fortified UK, three-to-sell offices of over five Office Offices of Office Office Offices in Facility PluBs.

The FTSA 100, Multi-London Office near Victoria, wants to reduce at least 2030 offices, when close to the third.

Adjusted by one of the most popular British places, published on a known Thursday, follow the flow method in the industry. Many investors also see a challenging opportunity to reduce the highest Office of their office offices and are attracted to the long-term reduction of the possibilities.

However, hundreds of great mark Allan thought that the company has been trusting in the office market. He said: “This is not our calling that we do not like the office,” He said so.

He said the process had a good quality offices followed to support “money and money.

Allan said she wanted to “think below the values ​​of a treasure and business and from a gun” to reduce the company’s risk.

When fierce equipment started in the fees that started in 2022 eased business materials, especially for office materials and to fight disaster.

Europe’s property prices fell on average 23 percent from the world, according to older critics. The process dropped in 45 percent before starting to recover last year, guided by a hotel and index apartment.

The market indicated signs of recovery. Covent Garden Room Landlord Dorksmolity The value of Portfolio has increased on last Friday to the middle of the year and wake up in two percent.

Allan says there is a powerful demand for high quality offices, To support high feesBut that investors were not easy because of higher costs to build and keep employers.

Company Offices is 98 percent live in November.

Every big glue of the offices of the OfficiS of London’s Ford Ford has become limited in two years. Landsec is reading in the market to collapse to remove its receipt of resources to housing.

Landsec wants to support resources to its four large plans of residence in the lewistham, Manchester and North London. Everyone has opportunities to build thousand homes near many shops before being done before other shopping services and car parks.

The company can also look at the purchase of streets that exist as soon as possible until the economy. Is currently with only a few hundred homes.

Allan has taken a Bet Bet Bat Carters After the physical sale of the body, you saw the quality of the goods abandoned by the rising of eccommerce. He said you want more charges to buy 30 or other Retail places, which follows Liverpool control.

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