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Do you have great why? You need one.

Peter Barton entrepreneur was on top of the world.

Until it wasn’t.

Barton dreamed that everyone dreamed of lived his very damn life, and the husband and father was great to his family.

And then on the day of the unhappy day, his world broke up:

Terminal cancer diagnosis.

The work became less important, other experiences left the meaning; He tried to collect parts that the future would not live. He would not get to see his children grow or grow with his wife.

Barton shared these thoughts and experiences in a twisted book called Do not disappear, And a paragraph always sticks with me.

One day, the body of Peter sank, reaching cancer, hurting his head and his spirit was lower than ever. Defeat him, his solidarity wife said:

“I don’t see the point”.

He replied, “So find”.

Finding the point became a point.

Barton gave him a life sentence, and he chose “finding a point of life” writing the book that his children could read. Another book to read and analyze the meaning of other people in their lives.

“I think I was thinking about the point” while I reviewed one of my favorite books, inspired by my friend Britty McKay’s last friend Man’s art pickshock.

Search for man’s meaning

Victor Frankl was alive in the Holocaust, the creator of a type of therapy called psychotherapist and “logo therapy”.

After the horrors of Auschwitz and concentration camps, he wrote the first draft for his book, Search for man’s meaning, in nine days.

He intended to publish anonymously, but in the end he was sure to add a little gravity to his survival story.

Since then, he has sold 16 million copies and returned to 50+ languages.

Frankl’s thinking school, logo, “Life’s meaning is to find the meaning of life for each person. It often refers to Nietzsche’s famous saying:

“Almost anyone who lives to live for living”.

During this book, Frankl explained his thoughts and reflections when he saw thousands of people to kill or die.

This short book is the most striking among the worst humans of human beings that will find the ability to find human meaning and hope for human beings.

The second half of the book is “logo” deeper, our meaning encourages us to find us “our meaning”.

“The meaning of life is man from man, from one day to the next and since then from time to another.

It is important, therefore, is not the meaning of life in general, the exact meaning of a person’s life at a certain moment. “

Terminal cancer may not be diagnosed or even cruelty of a concentration camp.

But it’s probably a point in your life when you ask, “Why the hell I’m doing?”

We can think of questions with us that something is wrong. That we don’t live at that moment. We need help.

Frankl feels differently. This question is critical and healthy thinks:

“The greatest task of any person is to find the meaning of his life.”

What will happen to yourself if this uncomfortable conversation was part of the process?

What about the fact that this question was to do?

Your “great”

We talk a lot “What is your great?” Here is a nerd fitness rebellion.

If we think logically, we are trying to force things to do things We don’t have cables (or required) for.

Obvious We don’t want to burn extra calories, get up early to exercise, and avoid our face with comfort food.

It requires an additional effort, we need to feel hunger, we need to change our behavior. And our brains don’t want to do that!

This may not be the type of “meaning of life” … But it is a powerful reminder to make life consistent, consistently but will give us consistency:

  • Why are we going to get up at 5:00 and go outside when we go for a walk?
  • Why do we say both salads and muscular proteins when cookies and donuts exist?
  • Why do we sweat (gross) and lifting weights (uncomfortable)?
  • Why do we force ourselves to breathe and run a 5k class or tell a yoga class when we take a deep awareness?

We talk a lot with this Our Coaching Clients and members NF community:

Constantly reminder Why This can be the thing that follows the hardest time after wearing motivation can be:

Maybe we want to break the cycle of a generation that is not a healthy relationship with our parents who learned from our parents.

Maybe we want our children to see that we can have a strong mother, sweating is well and encourage ourselves.

Maybe when we look in the mirror we want to feel better, or if we always feel better after A workout than we feel before A workout?

This week is your challenge to ask yourself why you are:

  • Why are you ready to go out of uncomfortable thoughts and feelings coming with change?
  • Why are you ready to try to learn a new skill, or how do you eat?
  • Why are you going to get up early and spend less time on your couch?

Continue deeper with your reasons. Follow “Why” ask and see what comes out.

Write down.

Put it in a post-it note and paste in your fridge, bathroom in the mirror, auto-panel.



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