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Starting Peter Attia is founded by a long-lasting guru

Longevity, these days are a warm trend of silicone valley, especially among the wealthy, preventing the disease.

A new player, biography, fair occurred from the secretAnd it is built jointly with one of the biggest names in the lost science. Dr. Peter Attia. Attia is a Canadian-American doctor known as the author of the most bestseller.

The biography is the CEO and other co-founder, prominent silicone valley figure John Hering. A cybridge founder of garbage scanned In the 2005 Academy Awards, celebrities were best known as the best support of cell phones, Hering, one-elonseed, as a common support in the VY capital. There, Hering, spilled with billions of Musk’s beginnings and donated $ 500,000 for a pre-trump Super Pak A WSJ profile.

Biography calls the world’s “most advanced” prevention and diagnostic clinic. There is currently a place in the Silicon Valley, which is plans to open in New York in New York, and eventually expanding globally an announcement on the website.

The beginning says it will collect more than 1,000 data points during 30+ evaluations to draw a uniform view of someone’s health and optimize their life. It does not come cheap: its main member cost $ 7,500 a year, which is a prize black membership, “the deepest concepts” – $ 15,000.

Biography, along with angel investors, are supported by VY Capital, Human Capital, Alpha Wave and WNDR CO Balaji srinivasanSpoke to the starting TechCrunch. Biography refused to determine how much it funded.

One statementHering, VY’s capital partner and friend Alexander Tamas said he was inspired by a biographer with the diagnosis of cancer. Tamas Sent x In the late 30s, a test resulted in early thyroid cancer, which was likely to encourage him to encourage him.

Biographical claims, more than 15% of members revealed the concepts of “emergency or health warning” through their services. The company has been operating silently since 2020.

If the announcement of biography does not celebrate the AI, the company is currently looking for Founder of AI engineer Build AI-Strong Assistant according to your career page.

Biography is part of a quiet boom in the beginners dedicated to the health-supporting health with Horowitz support looking for $ 2 billion worth of assessment and sam altman-support this year Retro bioscans in negotiations to cool $ 1 billion last month.

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