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If Ukraine Loses Starlink, here are the best alternatives

They have shown that they have been Ukrainian officials for years Working on Starlink alternatives. But the truth, there are many options on the table.

The most discussed is a satellite communication network belonging to Eutelsat, a satellite operator in France. Like Starlink, this network rely on small, ground-based terminals and includes approximately 630 low-orbit satellites of its overall zodiac sign, which also offers a very high speed connection and lower delay Orbit at higher heights than satellites.

Although Joanna Darlington has offered Europe’s extensive coverage and refusing to share the details of the technology, Joanna Darlington has offered a long-term placement of technology. Again, there are more than 40,000 starlink terminals in Ukraine, According to reportsTherefore, this network cannot be done in one night to replace the ONEWEB alternatives. “It’s possible, but this is not an instant coffee,” said Darlington. (Firm Eutelsat claims the broadcast of OneWeb in Europe.

While the Starlink terminals are developed by SpaceX, OneWeb terminals are given by third party companies. “We have shares of terminals we can be placed,” said Darlington, “Someone must pay for it.”

Poland and USAIDAmong others, they helped to finance the use of Ukraine from the Starlink network so far. Eutelsat, right now In negotiations with the European Union On a possible scale of one in Ukraine.

While Owz, especially in the battlefield, especially in the battlefield, especially in Starlink, Barry Evans, Surrey University, Professor of Information Systems.

“Universitetdə bir (OneWeb Terminal) var və bu, həqiqətən qoşulmaq və in-in-in-in-in-in-in-in-in-in-in-in-in-in-in-in-in-tencelle” deyir. Terminals include more bulkier and potentially more difficult to move rapidly in the conflict zone, adding that one-time terminals will be better placed in stable places in buildings.

“Other difficulties are terminals worth thousands of dollars instead of hundreds of dollars (for starlink),” he says. Again, in the case is the “only option”, which is currently being an alternative to Ukraine.

Finally can change. Amazo’s Project Kuiperan opponent for starlink, At the end of this year you can start their first satellites. Finally, the project will be the Kuiper More than 3,000 satellites. However, Evans Notes is a US company in Amazon. If the US government presses on local companies to move away from Ukraine, then the project cannot be used in the near future of Kuiper.

He is working on the European Union His constituency of communication satellitesis called iris2nd. However, they cannot be operated until 2030 and only about 300 medium and low ground-orbit satellites. The size of a satellite zodiac sign affects the speed and coverage. Starlink, for example, already More than 7000 Satellites in orbit even if the network needs around 10,000 It is really global before it is covered. Spacex suggested that it could start More than 40,000 satellitesIf the UN authorizes this by the International Telecommunication Union.

ABI research firm Andrew Cavalier, a technological intelligence company, a technological exploration firm, which prevents the entry into the entrance to Ukraine’s Starlink, and now is the call to evoke for countries that invest in developing sovereign and satellite communication networks. Evans agree. “Ukraine’s condition brought him a little.” “More people are very concerned about the advantage of Starlinkin.”

ADA Wordsworth in Ukraine says that Starlink is not aware of the alternative that can easily get.

Russia was delayed with the feeling of general despair between local residents who returned to the villages near the front line. Many don’t have another place to go.

When Elon asks what he will say to MUSK, he is not a game. It’s not a decision that is made of bitterness or discrimination or some sensitive power. This is the life of real people. “

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