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The director of the Kennedy center wants republican assistance, ‘everyone’ feels welcome

The interim director of John F. Kennedy for the interim director of the performing arts, Ric Grenelll, joined “Evil“On Thursday to get the preview of the efforts that he and his team are doing to transform the institution into a place where” all are welcome. “

President Donald Trump, after saying goodbye and refilling the members of the Center Trustees Board and announce that he had been elected president, appointed Grenelll as his leader on February 10. Grenell previously served as an interim national intelligence director and has been an foreign policy advisor for a long time to the president.

“Look, the reality is that the Kennedy center is open for businesses for all,” said Grenell Fox News Host are Hannity. “We just want an arts center that celebrates the arts, we want art of common sense.”

Whoopi declares that “he has no plans to go” to the Kennedy center after Trump becomes president of the place

Grenelll also went The rumors shown in the center were canceled due to the Trump administration.

“The new team at the Kennedy center has not canceled anyone,” he explained. “I know there are some rumors that, somehow, we were canceling shows. We have not canceled anyone. They have taken themselves, or they were told that, due to the sale of tickets, it was not good enough.”

The star of ‘Hamilton’ took into account by the president of the Kennedy Center of Trump’s Kennedy after the ‘anti-cultural advertising trick’

"Hamilton" The musical creator Lin-Manuel Miranda on stage during a show production.

The musical creator “Hamilton” Lin-Manuel Miranda on stage during a show production. (Getty images)

A popular program that canceled the plans to act at the Kennedy center was the Broadway production “Hamilton”.

The program producer, Jeffrey Seller, issued an official statement on social networks on Wednesday explaining the election.

“This last Trump action means that it is not the Kennedy center as we knew,” said the creator of the program, Lin-Manuel Miranda, in a joint interview on Wednesday with the seller, according to The New York Times. “The Kennedy center was not created in this spirit, and we will not be part of it, while it is the Trump Kennedy center. We will simply not be part of it.”

“I think that is intolerant,” Grenell said. “And that is one of the things Donald Trump has really brought to Washington, to the United States, to the Kennedy center, that is, everyone is welcome.”

Grenell raised the possibility of organizing a show during the holiday season celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. He stressed that under his guide, the Kennedy center will strive to organize programs that will be “very popular.”

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“We cannot continue having an arts center that is making financial decisions that continue to take us to the hole,” he said. “We need popular programs: we need programs that the public will arrive.”

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