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Germany can complete almost almost € 2TN without growth of growth

The German government can take under € 2TN until future fidrish Merz’s Fridrich Merz’s Friir Mozooka.

An eConomists’ Poll ConduCted Last Week Estimated that Europe’s Gentral Burd Raci Its Current Level of GDP 23 per century Without Negative Repercussions. Economic responses provide an area of ​​€ 1.9tn.

“Germany has a major financial financial skills, Florence

Finds arrive after ‘Merz, head of the largest facility, with his partners

Economic tests look forward to the necessary ficooka, the following five years can lead to a mass of many years in the next ten years.

“The precious point of” professor stands at the Copenhagen School, was Germany until fast and improved improvements.

“Hard products of amazing products, such as a famous system that does not work well with its extent, and patrios, must be developed,” must be developed. ”

Squidents of € 1.9TN in the financial space assumes gdp named Gerter will increase in 2 years from 2 years from € 4.4TN on € 4.4TN.

Many participants emphasized the additional borrowing is required to be regularly combined with the development of the development of land.

Ulrich with money cannot solve problems, “means a large economy called Frankfurt-bankfurt Bank.


Saturday, partners may explain the extra policy schemes and economic phones.

Instead of reducing the red change and includes the provasion of the Pro-changes, including new meetings for only functioning, and VAT for fuel restaurants for guests.

Bert Flossbach, Motheter Co-Aportal in German Flossbach

Lorenzo Codogno, founder and economic economy of the LC Macro, says “public problem” years ago German years are required by “old industry”. Germany also requires “production companies and they produce them.

German industries hold a medium science hill, and the country needs to “Apti Alaja, Antti Alaja, Antti Alaja, Antti Alaja, Antti Alaja, Antti Alaja, Antti Alaja

Stefan Hofricster, the Alliez Economist, was putting tax tax “and” to make the economy “to contribute to the ground.”

Jörg krämer, The main trade bag to call government impact on the government’s economy and to “hope that the” business inhabitants “.

The findings were based on 28 duties of boundaries even if the borrowing rule, Germany would promote its government debt without harvesting.

The 2010 indicated survey shown in Kenneth Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart recommended that over 90 section of the research challenged this decision.

Isabelle Maya Manai Manango a does not give a clear response to the relevant debt debt, adding the growth of the growth and watches were more important.

All 41 economicists have responded to a difficult German debt question, which eaten in GDP, means since 2009, should be overwhelmed.

More than a quarter – or 29 or 29 percent of the respondents – said to be completely eliminated, it is a balanced change to produce unchanged or difficulty.

Martin The Captain of the Earth’s Aponson Stadium passed, adding that the immense government was “grasping” most work and suits this challenge. “

However, the legal imitators of the party say on Sunday they oppose, in the form of merz to make a single GDP site outside the credit debt.

Their opposition could thwart plans, which needed changes in the German government and the size of two Parliament, Bundurator, more.

Data data submission is Oliver Roedrar London

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