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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

GUINNESS Float Recipe from Lotte New York Palace

Whether you can get to the Lotte New York Palace iconic Hotel for St. Patrick’s Day, or just plan to stay at home, you can celebrate your holiday with a special experience.

Lotte New York, located in Midtown Manhattan and built in 1882, whips its signature Guinness every year in honor of St. Patricka. Guests can enjoy a beautiful mixture of Irish ice cream Bailey’s Irish Cream and Jameson’s Irish whiskey at their gilded age inspired bar, gold room, from now to 17 March.

“It is a sensory path that combines rich, bold tastes of the most popular Ireland drinks,” Mm He wrote the blog in the post in March 2024. “It’s not just a drink; It is a sign of how tradition and luxury can combine to create something truly extraordinary. ”

Continue to move and see the recipe at the Float Palace Lotte New York Palace.

Lift toast to St Patricks Day in Lotte New York Palace
Lotte New York Palace

Guinness Float Recipe Lotte New York Palace


  • 1.5 oz Jameson Irish whiskey


  • Place three generous scoops of ice cream home Bailey in Pilsner Glass
  • Carefully fill the rest of the Guinness Beer Glass
  • Pour 1.5 oz Irish whiskey Jameson Irish to Shot Glass that you can enjoy as a float or accompaniment
  • Serve with straw

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