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Mark says Cuba that AI ‘never answers,’ ‘is a’ vehicle ‘

At the SXSW conference, Austin, technical investor and entrepreneur Mark Cuba shared their views on how the AI ​​technology could help small enterprises. In short, he said the crowd that AI himself did not answer; It means to serve as a help that can help entrepreneurs, making it easier to help businesses and get easier than answering questions along the way.

Cuba offered the expenditures for today’s potential of today’s entrepreneurs “every awakening awakening about AI.

“Rapes so much change so much,” and added, adding to those who are different to integrate the AI ​​compared to new enterprises.

“Cuba explained:” It’s so easy. “This is the way back to the road – $ 5,000 for a PC … Only a laptop and internet, you can start something. Now, if you use confusion, anthrop clala, chatrpt, twins, it does not matter. You have experts. “

While acknowledging that there are a mistake and hallucinating problems with AIS, human mentors and experts noted “He did not get it properly.”

Despite issues, the EU “specialists” can help you understand what you do not know and can help in other areas of a case such as research, email and sales calls.

However, the Cuba warned the people not to trust the EU. “The EU is never an answer. It’s aI. If you have any skills, you can use AI to strengthen them,” he said.

It is true in the fields of creativity, where the AI ​​enters the areas such as art and writing.

“Many creative people think, well, EU will write all the scripts,” Cuba said. “AI doesn’t know a good story from a bad story. You must be creative. Could you make a video – I can create the videos created by AI. They still suck.”

“If you have any skills, AI can strengthen them. But someone else will strengthen your skills – and the difference between you or not,” said Cuba.

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