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He lost his job because of having its owning indented Trump’s money. He now helps some Federal workers find work

Wayan Vo knew something wrong.

The 20-year-old veteran of the international aid department, Vote used to use new industries – there is a time to renew the pre-administrative administration. But this time it was different.

The newly despised president Control of the height In the middle of my Jallen Jallen to stop second programs to the United States English for international development (USAID). Vote expected a large fruhe of a large humemo, which was in many watches that were supported by Federal subsidies, and estimated that it will lead to 80% of the company. But Jan. 31 Did he know he would be included in those bonds, losing his work with their colleagues.

“I cried with daughter’s hands,” she says. Fortune. All my peers, everybody I would think to talk and talk, too did not work. “

Vote is one of the thousands of staff and contracts that run out of jobs this year because of the measurement of Trump, abnormal. About 75,000 Employees received administrative system To break free from work Suggestion, and many are affected in other ways, with the promise of more pain coming. No official number for the total number of government employees and ranitradom are set, but 6230 government status are cut off So far this year, according to the full world challer, gray, and Christmas. Some areas are more involved than others, and there was an international help if it was primarily to beat.

After spending 24 hours interfere with various systems later, Vo decided to act. “I woke up and said: ‘All right, I can’t stay here and have a crying, crasing, wound and do something about it.’ “

On February 1, he began to be called “Call of Work,” With the intention to make a public public for commenting aids and help them find new features outside the department. Now she has more than 9,000 scripture she subscribers, which their interests and specials run a AI game to health care and data test. Vote says that large percentages are in the middle of the higher employees spent most of their professional health in a living sector.

“There were people who have been for a decade or say that the USAVAID, or have a Master’s letter international development, started towns, and no longer worked elsewhere.

‘Every one dome is a painful person’

Work pivot is a mixture of blog ads, work stories, functions of works, mental health, communication meetings, and physical activities.

It provides information and guidelines to Calculated Khadter’s employees and training trainees that start a valid work in the private sector and share others. “A large part of Pivot helps people translate their ability to use their ability to use the private goal to understand.

Articles in the area have heads such as “10 ways to consider your USAID rules:” Your Insurance preferences now? “

Alex Collins, a healthy health worker who works with Mother’s life, worked with a vote many years ago than in the past. When he lost his work in the past month, he signed up for a vital work once it lived. He says this place is strengthened “not only important our first online boots, but the internet that is delivered by both.”

When the website was designed for international development staff, Vote says that his downloadsber is already involved in staff workers affected in other organizations, such as the Department of Education and Education Department.

Vote has a group of eight volunteers who help him with this place, and provide free free and paid subscriptions. The latest calls $ 20 per month or $ 100 annually, and include more decorated and unique news, as “moa” Zoom Phones and bastruiters where people can ask specific questions related to their work search. Vote says he uses the money he does to renew trade.

My wife is very disappointed with this time I start. “I make all the money I do,” she says.

To find a public

The work pivot provides practical devices for the job seekers, but many employees say the best thing they come from is something that is not.

Laura Wigglesles and development as a healthy and development development development in 25 years, and loses work due to financial money. He was a first enrollment and participating in Vo jobs, to learn things like the start of Ai. As a result of his expert experience, he also helps others to run a job search work.

“Working up and loss and loneliness,” she says. “” Especially if you do not have the people who are still able to do what you are from. “

That feeling is dispatched by Joel Levesque, lost their work to become a Compeleral contractor earlier. He was working in a government to communicate with the Millennium Government, and he was years of age that had provided his subregck in order to search for work. Now he also works with Vote and Pivat of Work with passenger terms and Amas. While grateful for the perfect information of information, he says that it is not a primary reason why he caused his subscription.

“I found it was a people,” she says. This was a very sad thing that caused people to work with the branch. I don’t think someone expected this. So it will be able to make a nation that people like me, and they really make me feel like I’m mad. “

‘I can’t tell the future’

Although the majority of the government employees simply start their work investigation, Vote begins to see the fruitage of his work.

“I was sending me my email today, ‘I am Rome because I have work.’ Oh, that was the most beautiful email! He did. His purpose is for the usual work of last work up to three to six months. “I don’t want to have members of many years. That would be a symptom of failure, not the sign of success. “

Many of the main Christian workers, including Vote, still hope for the future of the branch, even when they knew it would look far away. “USAID, as a department we know on January 20, will not exist in the future.” He says: “The main idea of ​​a great idea to help other countries, will continue.

How well? Is not sure. Would be age first financial funds returned. That can also depend on the outcome of 2026 and 2028 options. But Vote has no time to keep breathing.

“I can’t tell the future, but I have a strong feeling that many of us have found a new job to live.”

This story was wild

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