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Star Trek: The next generation changed the character because of the acting race

According to Chris Snellgrove
| Published

The object of changing the figure of the figure is very disputed among fans of the genre. For example, many Harry Potter fans are in the report that a black actor (PAAPA Essieda) can play in the upcoming Harry Potter TV show, who can play a black actor (PAAPA Essied). It is easy to think like a modern phenomenon, but changing characters because of racial fears reach back to the golden age of television. Example: producers Star Trek: Another generation The “boobeo trap” episode changed the character of Visid Daystrom to Leah Brahms because the actor was white.

Navid Daystrom became Leah Brahms

If you are a big TNG fan, then Leah Brahms does not need much introduction. It is the Genius Warp Core, which Geordi La Forge begins after it re -creates it in the Holodecko, and when they later meet in the mass space, poor Geordi finds as the largest Incel in Cosmos. However, most fans do not know that Brahms’s character was originally conceived as a daystrom, a descendant of Dr. Black character Richard Daystrom, but these plans had to be changed because the show already thrown white actor Susan Gibney.

To fully understand this we will have to make a short Star Trek History Lesson: In Original series The “Ultimate Computer” episode, is introduced to Dr. Richard Daystrom, who uses the company to test its fully automated multitronic M-5 system. Because it was 60. science fiction“However, a new computer that can operate the ship itself will end up taking a vessel and even destroy more stem fleet ships that are in the war games. Kirk saves the day, but not before we find that this drama was caused by the daystrom put human engrams into the circular plates of his new shiny new toys.

The only appearance of Dr. Daystrom in TOS was the appearance of a neurotic and short -sighted man whose technological abbreviations were killed by dozens of star fleet. Yet he was named after the prestigious Institute Daystrom, probably because of his earlier work on duotronic computers and not all crazy AI. AND TNG The producers originally wanted to consolidate the combination of their new spinoff with an earlier show by including the holographic version of Navid Daystrom, the descendant of Richard Daystrom, to the “Boboby trap”.

It’s a good idea on paper. Star Trek fans were generally satisfied with the different ways that TNG attached to the TOS, which eventually included portraits of Dr. McCoye, Spockand Scotty. Writers “Boby trap” therefore felt that having a new brilliant engineering character is a descendant of this one -off figure from Kirka’s era would bring entertaining Easter eggs. Unfortunately, the casting department did not fit the connection with the original episode, so they did not realize that having a daystrom by Richard Daystrom would mean drilling a black actor.

They have already thrown white actor Susan Gibney, so Leah Brahms became “Navid Daystrom”. Fortunately, the show kept its connection with the character of TOS by becoming a graduate of the Institute Daystrom. Never created killers or nothing, but she did Transform Dear Geordi La Forge into one of the various guys in the galaxy for several episodes.

Unfortunately, Brahms never provided a technique ticket after Geordi became so broken. If so, they could ask her a very useful question: “Did you try to shut down and then back?”

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