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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
The British government’s secret order, the latest version of the ICloud Warehouse Service, the two civil law groups, Freedom and Privacy Group, Freedom and Privacy International, were protested. They called the “unacceptable and disproportionate” order and reported “unacceptable and disproportionate” and “global consequences”, because the input order is also expected to be extended to non-Britain users.
Double, along with two people – Privacy International’s Executing Director Gus Honeyin and Civil Freedoms Lawyer Ben Wizner – instructed the law firm to protest the Secretary of the House
Yvette Cooper’s decision to serve Apple with the so-called technical ability notice (TCN) under the Investigation Power (IPA). The presence of a secret order appeared only Press the reports last month.
“Privacy is in international and freedom this TCN or future can be used to violate the encryption from the width to the end to be afraid of similar TCN, privacy and free to express free,” the press release.
Apple has already submitted a legal problem TCN – and his appeal, the investigation, the forces of the tribunal (IPT) should be heard by the organization of complaints against the British intelligence agencies. Both civil rights groups and Honeyyey and Wizner claim that the government has direct victims of the TCN decision and they want complaints to Apple.
In addition, they are not behind closed doors, they are called to be heard in the public – join Earlier Calls from Privacy Rights Groups. Today, the IPT heard is expected to be planned on Friday, March 14.