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PepsiCo is about to $ 1.5 Billion-Pluss for Soddi version

PepsiCo Inc. It resides in advanced speech to buy a healthy SodaPopaccording to people with knowledge of the matter.

Purchase, a new Wort York platform can declare the transmission as soon as many people asked to not be prejudiced to discuss confidential information. Price is subject to communication exceeds $ 1.5 billion, the person said.

Pepsio intended to start a soda under soda, but it is a decision to force the effort that cannot succeed.

Even when they have intentionally in the background, they can still delay, people said so. Pepsio’s representative refused to comment. The Popopi Army did not respond to a request to comment.

FU “FU” Soda “grows, especially in comparison with the normal Sodas. Sugar-sugar drinks, such as Prebiosiotics, said they are intended to improve the garbage.

Working drinks “reward” with new “new-based” firefighters, a credit card. He said to be a biggs, just as compared to last year. Coca Cola Co-Co-Co-Co-Co-CO, who just started to have its first soda, will only end.

Austin’s doll-founded by Allinfor Hells and Stephen Ellsworth. It was gone by 2018 when one company is known as his mother – found from Cavu from the television programShark Tank. The famous person of famous people including Nicole Nicole and Ellie and Ellie and users used the company again.

Pepsio was to learn from health brands soon. In April, declared plansto getSpiritual food for $ 1,2 billion. Next month, said it wouldBuy 50% leftof PABRA describes the Co. and Pepsiico-strauss new new and spread Gmbh.

“There is very high awareness of the general American customers who lived health and welfare of” Ramon Laguarya said to PepsiCothe meeting lineby investors.

This story was wild

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