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American Airlines passengers share how they fled the flame plane in Denver

“Disproof of nerves, scary and horrible.”

This is how a witness described his experience leaving an American Airlines flight that caught fire after he was forced to make an emergency landing in Colorado.

Some of the 172 passengers traveling on the flight to Dallas were seen standing on the wing of the plane after he landed in Denver, with large columns of smoke that surrounded around them.

All on board, including six crew members, left the plane alive, with 12 passengers treated in the hospital for minor injuries, according to airport officials.

One of those passengers, Michele Woods, told CBS News, the American partner of the BBC, how everything about the flight seemed normal to take off.

It was not until they were sailing in the air that noticed a loud noise that reverberated from one of the plane’s engines.

The Federal Aviation Administration of the United States (FAA) then confirmed that the plane deviated to Denver around 17:15 local time (23:15 GMT) after the crew reported “engine vibrations.”

But even when the plane landed, the passengers soon realized that they were still far from security.

“Everything was fine, but then there was smoke filling the cabin,” said Woods, who returned home after attending a fair in Colorado.

Sitting at the front of the plane, he explained how one of the few was in a position in which they could leave the plane once he had landed.

Other passengers, such as Now viral images Of the curled people stopped in the wing of a show of aircraft for smoking, they did not have such a simple escape.

Ingrid Hibbit, who was traveling on flight 1006 with her husband and daughter, was one of the unfortunate ones who brought themselves to the wing before she could connect with her family on the ground.

“(You can see) you call from the window and the windows (they were) a type of fusion,” Hibbit told CBS. Disassembling from the plane turned out to be a difficult task, he did not help, he said, when dressing with Birkestock sandals.

“It was like shaking, it wasn’t stable,” he admitted.

In addition to her fever anxieties, nor the fact that neither she nor any member of her family sit in the same section of the plane. They could only communicate through text messages.

“I hoped everything was fine, but we really didn’t know it with certainty,” he said, adding that despite the fact that the terrible experience lasted only 10 minutes, “it was 10 very long minutes.”

“It was a great feeling to see that everyone was fine.”

She and her family finally landed at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport on Friday morning, along with several of the other passengers.

The relief, he said, had swept the group, particularly after an “exhausting” episode that had eclipsed the beginning of his family vacation.

“If this had happened in the air, I don’t think we are telling this story at all, because who knows how it would have been,” he said. “I am grateful for everyone to survive.”

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