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Spring Slim Down 2024 Winners

Our team is constantly impressed with our LSF community. All the women in this community worked their butts off and we are so proud of each and every one of you! You all finished this 6 week challenge very strong and your transformations, inside and out, were AMAZING!

Thank you for pushing yourselves and our community to be the best they can be!

Time to shout out our SSD24 winners! These inspiring women not only have amazing transformation photos, they have the most amazing stories!


Allison Dupay (

Total pounds lost: 13

Allison’s story:

“I’ve always struggled with my self-esteem. When I took my before pictures, I was in tears looking at them. I was at my heaviest (including when I was pregnant). I didn’t know my body and I knew it was time to get serious and shoot.

I knew I couldn’t make any more excuses, I had to change for myself and my future health. So I continued Move the app trainings, completing each one. I joined SSD Shining Stars & LSF mamas responsibility group. I made a commitment to follow through 7 day slimming & HBMPand followed the 40-day Sugar fast with my sister.

I started the journey praying that I could stick with it and not give up. Several cheering women in the LSF community kept me going! Meal plans helped take the planning and guesswork out of it. And I think that was the key to my success.

Not only did I get stronger physically, but I grew in confidence! Since 2020 I have been struggling with anxiety, fatigue, migraines, dizziness and hormonal issues. Since changing my diet and moving my body, I have never felt better! My migraines are non-existent, my anxiety is MUCH better, I have a ridiculous amount of energy (wakes up at 5:30), and my dizziness and hormonal issues are gone! LSF has been the key to getting me back.”


Natalie McArthur (@Nataliekay_lsf)

Total kilos lost: 9

Natalie’s Story:

“I gained over 35kg in my late twenties and hated every little thing about my body. I found it very difficult to change my habits and lifestyle. I had no plan or direction to change. I was tired. Tired of feeling. tired of not leaving the house nothing to wear, tired of feeling bad every day I decided to join the Spring Slim Down Challenge.

I’ve gained a confidence I didn’t know I had in just 6 weeks, I’ve gained a new happiness in getting up early in the morning, I’ve gained an appreciation for my body and what it can do, I’ve gained a new relationship. I learned about food and how to nourish my body, I gained a community of so much support, love and encouragement, not to mention I lost 9 lbs and my clothes fit so much better!

For me this is just the beginning! I am still committed to being my best and I have Katie and the LSF team/community to thank. I am very grateful and feel very proud to be where I am today. I feel strong, motivated and eager for more to come! Good things come to those who sweat!”

Jessica Brooke Abrams (@jess.sweats.lsf)

Total kilos lost: 6

Jessica’s Story:

“I started this challenge as a new year’s reset to hold myself accountable to my commitment to work. move the app daily and closely followed HBMP. I also wanted a support system for this challenge, so I started #teamlsfslay and these women were amazing in motivating me and sharing their support throughout the challenge. I don’t think I could have been as consistent without them! This challenge got me into the habit of training and eating consistently.’


Our Pink Heart Award is for one member #teamLSF community who was not only dedicated to her fitness journey, but her #teamlsf kids were so encouraging! At each challenge we ask members to nominate people who have motivated them and been a source of positivity and encouragement throughout the challenge.

Selena – lost 11 kilos

“I’ve lost 17 pounds since the start Feel Good 14 challenges(I’ve lost 11 of them since the start of the SSD).

I stuck to a meal plan for over a month and now my husband and I are getting better at eating.

As incredible as all of that is, this challenge had less to do with achieving my weight loss goals and more to do with cheering on the LSF girls and boys who have cheered me on in all my past challenges.

My why is to encourage others when they don’t believe in themselves or when they don’t get encouragement from the people in their lives and maybe even chase their dreams.”


We received so many amazing submissions to this challenge that it was almost impossible to single out our Grand Prize Winner, Runners-up and Pink Heart Recipient. We wanted to give a shout out to these amazing members who had crazy transformations and heartwarming stories too!

Eunice Lopez – (Eunlop03_lsf)

Lost: 5 kg

“I decided to make a change, if you will, to regulate my workout times and sleep cycle. I started coming home for lunch to cook healthy food at home and pack workout clothes to change into after work. Instead of going straight home to the gym, it’s helped me get my workouts in earlier.” , which makes dinner and then I sleep more body part and I see my body sculpting, stealing, slimming!”

Aleena Nichols – (faithfitness_girl.lsf)

Lost: 11 kg

“I totally committed to SSD and worked on my physical health, but more importantly my mental health and that in turn helped my physical health even more. This challenge was my first time using meal plans and I loved them. It was great. It was a quick, simple and effective plan laid out in front of me (like the plan Move the app for my exercises) I was always at a loss as to what to make for meals! I’ve even found a couple of favorite foods (salmon and Greek yogurt) before HBMP I didn’t realize I liked it so much.

There will always be challenges, but I took it one day at a time and will continue to do so. I’m so grateful to the #teamlsf girls who cheer me on and support me. I love that about these challenges; we do it together!

I would say the biggest victory of SSD is FINALLY getting into an exercise and protein rhythm in the morning. I was trying to get it to work for a long time and this time it just stopped! Wow! I showed up every day and made small changes, and I’m proud of my work and results.”

Annie Findlay

Lost: 7 kg

“I’ve been on your challenges and I think this is what has changed me the most. I did the hot body meal plan this time and I’ve been able to transform my idea of ​​healthy eating. set some real healthy habits for myself and I’ve been able to lose 6.5 and now 8 pounds, and since using this app, I’ve lost 23 pounds!”

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