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Government leader provides their strategy to combat Trump-and says Elon Musk has no information

Trump’s second system is marked in the main section with focus efforts to reduce the number of government employees.

By the Office Manager and Elon Musk Musk Musk Musk Musk Musk Musk Musk Musk Musk Musk Musk MUSK MUSK Empire, President used Unusual self-timing and Layuffs To minimize the National Organizer Associations in addition to the Department of Training and Veterans Department. There is no official number from the population born, but the state of government 62330 are cut off So far this year, according to the data published earlier in this world of leaving world in a period of global, Gray and Christmas. It may have occurred that there are many problems to come.

Other organizations have participated in a major challenges of law to shoot government employees. On Thursday, two different decisions came down to order Trump’s system to reverse these suspended staff. One to rule In reply to 20 general democrarts for the reinstatement of dentist’s dentistry from the Federal Maryland Judge. One was issued By Judge in the US District Court for California and respond to the case of many staff and speakers. The US William Also district judge ordered that six governmental organizations were returned with OPM guidelines, made him legal. Trump system has already exist appeal to the case.

It is another US country, district and municipal staff (AFSCME) was one of the potentially the second challenge. The leniest representing the National Descendants of Grand grandchildren in Federal, country and local government, as well as the Department of Report. AFSCME President, ONE: He spoke to Fortune Threat That the public sector’s sector workers are under the world, who belong to them, and how his organization is like, and how Union plans to go back.

This dialog is fixed and convicted.

Lucky: What do adoscme members feel now?

President Sanders: They feel victims. They believe in the importance of social services, but they see they are victims of each day with this present system.

They are scared, but they also know that they have to hear and have to fight, and that’s what they do. Their meeting supports them 100% by talking about the importance of social service, and one of the breathe of the things that this system does, and Whether it’s in courtor whether in media, or whether it is in the streets. We’re going to continue doing so to make our decision and tread our point more than.

AFSCME is one of Plantiffs to The case which was just had just received in order to do the work return. Many see this as they were capturing government employees, but to decide this noIndicate the period of this week set by Trump system that requires all organizations to send the President and OPM plans. What would the future look like that future?

This is a great victory for these workers.

It will be challenged, but we will continue to set the full energy of the meeting forms. That is very important, but we also have to break free and we do not play all the time, and we will continue to do so. What we do now prepares and cooks and educate our members throughout the country by having phone calls, by attending a meeting at the World.

One of the things we have to do continues to organize. Seventy percent of Americans believe that those organizations are especially needed in this country and 88% of young people (they look at it in interesting). We will use resources, and we are going to talk with workers, we ask them to be represented by us or other organizations with a seat.

It feels like each day there is new development associated with Doge Meoffs. How can you advise people to keep a track of actions of actions?

I think that it can be from the first to go to the center with the staff organization with friends and friends to continue talking about what this system is doing to hurt the painful system. We have to encourage people within a staff society outside their organization heard to make words. We can’t just sit and be silent when this is very destructive – and that’s just what is happening in the body and in great territories, with the Federal Groups. State governments depend on government money to support programs in government levels; they arrived 33% of (their tax) from the state government. That helps provide public services in the government, town and area level.

It’s all about continuing teaching. It’s all about asking (staff) to not be silent, but makes their words feel and fighting like before.

. Fortune“Trump President returned to the Washing, a US people who brought out our government government, treacherous and abuse.”)

Elon Musk invented The stating public sector personnel was in charge of the murderers like people like Hitler, Mao and Stalin. What do you do with this feeling, and the latest department’s staff attacks?

I will try to control my speech, but … is to judge him) that (Repweet now think of that. There he came to, and we have to make that message meet.

He has no information that workers faces on every day. He does not matter what they do to improve the lives of our population in our society throughout the country and improve social services, but makes such a sentence. I mean, it is illegal, and we have to make sure that people understand that this is what he says, and that is what adults tell.

(Fortune reached to Elon Musk but did not receive a response.)

How can friends protect employees when government wants to charge them?

We’re playing these rules – it’s true. We push us even though we understand the weather here is not Washington, DC is not the best. But we still have to continue to go to the offense, as I said earlier. We are supported Provision of Prowhich would provide employees the right to have a seat in the table to improve the labor tasks in the land. We do the same thing as Social freedom to discuss the action for public service staff.

We have the ability to make all members of a person alone – strengthening the meeting, but with younger workers in our organizations throughout the country. Because this is motivated. The action that he was initiated to have an impact on everyone dependent on human services: all these programs are attacked, and we have to do what we do well, and that’s what we do well.

This story against public workers began with Nemist what do you fight from those with large planets like term and mush?

It’s not just federal workers. Are all workers. There is all staff attack now. I think that in my response that question is that it is now punishing people in the face. I mean, they hear it. People are being placed without prejudice. People are being expelled. Their rights are removed from them. Services in which the American people are hoping as they are cut off and make a proposal to do more damage. So I mean, this brochure spoke about it, and now it keeps people to be with them and their families. You have to do them in the way we ask people to fight and make their own words. You can’t stay quietly and watch this.

This story was wild

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