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Avvava savings travel backwards “Watch” Watch list

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Avivava investors have included a national plan to sell in permanent companies, include in investment managers to water the green commitment.

Introl-Genend, O Onoliman $ 238bn with goods, announcement By 2021 that it put 30 of 30 larger services, mining and oil and gas in the “watch list.

At that time, he was “made up of horror” recently reached green expectations, including the need for traditions to “1.5c-Active”.

The companies were required to set the prey to cut their routines in the wide rank of the world above 1.5C above 1.5c above the first level of industry. The number is a goal below to the United Nations in Paris Paris.

The prospect of performance was one was for an industrial industrial energy effort to hold the carbon industry – stretching companies to account for the duty of the greenhouse world. The company was caused by discarding investments in companies that lacked their requirements before three years.

However, four years later, investor – a separation of insurance company Eviva – said it has renewed the revenge. It told people about financial money rather than treating “a broader phase, authority, goods, transportation”.

Rollback came after the Russian War from the Russian War in Ukraine raised many large carbon’s price. There is also bockhesh against environmental, community and public governments by investing.

Aviva stated its beliefs about the weather and the opportunity to warm the world and long-term things worked hard ‘.

But it added: “Since we crawl our life’s life arrangement for 2021, the market has had a high quality.” He began to appear “a very different Macro” that appeared, the company said.

Says: “Anxieties for the protection of powerful power raised.

The Company did not declare it that it was fully done to any companies in the first list.

But in some cases, where there was no satisfaction that a company leading to the power of power, it had already decided the “starting capital decision”.

It was capital capital to companies that believed well to live a green change and leads to it.

By the end of ten years, managers who receive the managers could change with the risks of the weather change.

Larry Fink, the main work of the grass, the largest investment in the world, 2020 said: “There is a weather danger is a weather accident.”

But over the past few years, many brothers in the treasure have drawn Using groups to provide the weather operations, reduce weather support at year’s meetings and reduces large green activities.

Robert Noyes, UK ordinator of the UK’s long stressed and fluctuated positions in the weather, discovering. He called it “disappointment from a leader considered in the sky”.

“Aveva is closest to the loss of its crown by serving its relief promise that hinders the change in powerless power,” Noyes say.

He added: “Company was covered with” political Zaitist. “

Avvava staffs were in higher levels of 10 ASENEER INVESTIONS Inventions of Share Share share

Noye nose could be “power” to leave “expensive, priced, power sources of power is very expensive.

He said: “Consumers have to order that adults follow this change.

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